Whonix VirtualBox Testers Wanted!

Just finished build and upload. Entirely untested for now.

Testers wanted!


This test based on Whonix inside Vbox, non-qubes.

testing GW

things better to change:-

  • remove phonon since no one gonna browse the web there and listen/watch videos
  • dont enable http Debian repos by default , keep only .onion (same for whonix)
  • add nyx to the default applications instead of arm
  • disable/remove System settings - Network - Settings , as it doesnt belong gw (konqueror browser only)
  • samba server there by default ?
  • disable web shortcuts , as it will request to open browsing action (true whonix previnting that but still disabling it by default much better)
  • same issue as usual deleting/removing anything causing whonix to delete everything. (its better to overcome this because its not nice for persistent distro).
  • settings-plasma search/configure search = it shouldnt search through bookmarks,document,web shortcuts

testing WS

  • remove icedove since thunderbird already there
  • remove kcalc since its not required to be there except for accessories
  • consider in the future to replace torbrowser downloader with torbrowser-launcher as it will be added for sid repos
  • disable VLC for allowing anonymous metadata sending by default from whonix (if possible)
  • Ricochet has no open control port for it thus not working

(same as gw)

  • dont enable http Debian repos by default , keep only .onion (same for whonix)
  • add nyx to the default applications instead of arm
  • disable/remove System settings - Network - Settings , as it doesnt belong gw (konqueror browser only)
  • disable web shortcuts , as it will request to open browsing action (true whonix previnting that but still disabling it by default much better)
  • same issue as usual deleting/removing anything causing whonix to delete everything. (its better to overcome this because its not nice for persistent distro).
  • settings-plasma search/configure search = it shouldnt search through bookmarks,document,web shortcuts
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Whonix 14 / Qubes 3.2 Testing Thread - #12 by Patrick

Not available in Debian stretch. Only Debian -- Error is.

Difficult. Please create a ticket for that.


What’s wrong about these?

No way to solve. Debian isuse. Debian dpkg lacks “weak dependencies” feature.

Debian Packages - Whonix

Difficult. Please open a ticket.

Icedove? Where?

torbrowser-launcher would be good but there is too much Whonix integration work left to do.


Issues ¡ torproject/torbrowser-launcher ¡ GitHub

Please open a ticket for that.

Ricochet (as well as onionshare / ZeroNet) unfortunately needs some manual steps by the user before these work.

Next - Whonix
Next - Whonix
Next - Whonix

Please test if that works for you.




Screenshot from 2017-12-21 14-19-00


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the path /usr/share/tor-controlport-filter-merger/examples/40_ricochet.yml doesnt exist in gw

additional tickets:-

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It was because tor-controlport-filter was replaced by / renamed to onion-grater. Documentation has been fixed by me just now. Please kindly try again.


By the way, for Non-Qubes-Whonix 14 (or above) only you might be interested to install the grub-live package was developed by @Algernon. (Package reviewed, and package uploaded by me.) It adds a live entry to grub boot menu. Then nothing is persisted. Still no claims about anti forensics.

Development discussion:
⚓ T714 Whonix live mode / grub-live

Keep a copy of


Should be smooth but there is a small chance to breaks booting.

Install package.

sudo apt-get install grub-live
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yep it works as what u have mentioned from steps , but it didnot make ricochet to work

Screenshot from 2017-12-21 21-54-58

to avoid loop back information, which may contain malicious session (theoretically)

which repo tester or developer ?

  • traces of vlc and pulseaudio in GW

Screenshot from 2017-12-21 21-09-42

Screenshot from 2017-12-21 21-09-57

  • question for feature enhancement:-

what do u think about adding w3m text-based browser for non-graphical users ?

i found this code as well on torifying w3m here

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Will fix one bug (ERROR: ld.so) after the next upgrade which was just now uploaded by me. Then please try again.

Malicious session? How could that happen? When malware is on the system, it does not need to abuse session management. More likely to hide as kernel rootkit.

developers repository will be closed btw. will beomce stretch-developers. Please move to stretch repository.

sudo whonix_repository --enable --codename stretch

That’s difficult to get rid off. dolphin depends on it. See: apt-cache show dolphin. It’s a waste of space, mostly, and would be good to purge, but I don’t think it increases attack surface. A program on the gateway even if running does not increase attack surface. Malware would still need a way to interact with that code to exploit it. What’s the attack vector? A user downloading a malicious audio file, playing it on the gateway and then the audio file exploits a hypothetical vulnerability in phonon?

Torification is not all. Tor Browser Essentials applies. It needs an educated review wrt protocol level leaks. If that were okay, then of course, alternative browsers, any with less attack surface that is anonymous would of course be welcome.

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@All Whonix 14 testers: Please move to stretch repository.

sudo whonix_repository --enable --codename stretch

(The developers repository has been renamed and therefore abandoned, it is now the stretch-developers repository.)

sudo apt-get dist-ugprade will among other packages install a new package, whonix-firewall.

Make sure to run.

sudo apt-get autoremove

After sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. It will remove whonix-gw-firewall / whonix-ws-firewall packages because it got merged into a single package whonix-friewall.

Other repositories but not really in use yet. Will be later when Whonix 14 gets released and blessed stabe.

sudo whonix_repository --enable --codename stretch-proposed-updates

sudo whonix_repository --enable --codename stretch-testers

sudo whonix_repository --enable --codename stretch-developers
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preferable to give it for the user choice , but from our side it will be empty.

done , but just mention anywhere when grup-live to be available there so i can install it (i rather stick to tester repo better than dev repo).

cant we remove even dolphin and reinstall it again ? so we can get ride of all of them ? to avoid sucha exploitation like this one PulseAudio 0.9.5 - ‘Assert()’ Remote Denial of Service or this one PulseAudio setuid Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability or VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6d - ‘httpd_FileCallBack’ Remote Format String. they r old used exploitation but still it increase the attack surface. (specially gateway very likely to hold hidden services inside it).

Note:- it will cause the connection to drop in the gw , restart will solve the issue.

  • additional features:-

if we can fix this issue here , its preferable to change the links inside whonix homepage to .onions only (for the website , documentation, forum …etc).

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This was discussed previously…


i think we r not on the same discussion , because he was speaking generally , im speaking specifically to the links which r included inside TBB-whonix homepage. but not changing the entire website to be just onion.

  • additional feature

close audio from outside gw check the screenshot


done , but just mention anywhere when grup-live to be available there so i can install it (i rather stick to tester repo better than dev repo).

You could use stretch-testers.

sudo whonix_repository --enable --codename stretch-testers

It’s currently the same as stretch but anyhow.

Then just sudo apt-get install grub-live. Should be available there.

cant we remove even dolphin and reinstall it again ? so we can get ride of all of them ?

It’s like throwing out whole KDE.

to avoid sucha exploitation like this one PulseAudio 0.9.5 - ‘Assert()’ Remote Denial of Service

This wouldn’t have applied to Whonix, because there is no way for the
attacking UDP package to interact with pulseaudio. For comparison: even
Qubes OS has audio in dom0, @marmarek wasn’t concerned about it.

or this one PulseAudio setuid Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

Local Privilege Escalation means the attacker already compromised a
non-root account and then uses Local Privilege Escalation to compromise
the root account. After non-root account compromising, it’s game over

or VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6d - ‘httpd_FileCallBack’ Remote Format String.

This required the user to interact with an attacker supplied media. As
long as the user doesn’t start VLC on Whonix-Gateway (it’s not even
startable), this issue even if not fixed by now could not do any harm.

they r old used exploitation but still it increase the attack surface. (specially gateway very likely to hold hidden services inside it).

None of them would have applied to Whonix-Gateway.

Note:- it will cause the connection to drop in the gw , restart will solve the issue.

Good to know.

  • additional features:-

if we can fix this issue here

Tor Browser broke it. Only Tor Browser can fix it.

its preferable to change the links inside whonix homepage to .onions only (for the website , documentation, forum …etc).

Wasn’t this done?

If you mean the website, best can be done is manually by the user as per:

We cannot make it the default from the server, otherwise we would break
onion connections. It would be great if we could supply onion links only
when someone visits the Whonix onion url, but the web apps we are using
don’t support this.

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Hey everyone, just downloaded both of these ova files and to first order everything worked good. Both the Gateway and Workstation loaded. I got a Tor connection and passed the Tor check. Etc…

A few questions/things I noticed:

  1. In addition to the mixture of http and onion sources in the sources.list as mentioned above, also I noticed that there is a mixture of sources from Debian Stretch and Debian Jessie. Here is a screenshot: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

  2. For some reason there is a time mismatch picked up by check2ip.com. See screenshot: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    I tried to run swdate-gui which would never actually launch: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    So then I ran swdate alone which seemed to work but check2ip.com still gives a time mismatch.

  3. Every dns leak test gave a different ip address. All of them seemed like Tor nodes which was nice (none were my actual ip), but is this a problem they they don’t all agree?

  4. Is it possible to pre-install a decent password generator like Keepass? Is it possible to have full disk encryption with a changeable password? Is it possible to do something like “apt-get whonix-suite” if you wanted to get all of these nice things using a custom setup? Such as a Gnome instance of Debian.

Again, to first order this release looks great. I will keep testing but I wanted to say thanks for all the hard work.

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Confirmed. This will be fixed in next release / after upgrades.

Please see:
Install Additional Software Safely

also Browser Tests - Whonix

Dev/Password Manager - Kicksecure

Please see Advanced Security Guide - Whonix

Please see:

Updated instructions (puring control-port-filter-python on Whonix-Gateway).

sudo apt-get purge iceweasel firefox-esr exim* unattended-upgrades cups anon-shared-kde-accessibility control-port-filter-python

3 posts were split to a new topic: initramfs-tools RESUME=none

Non-Qubes-Whonix testers-only being uploaded.


Closed since new testers wanted thread posted.