in multiple test instances in virtualbox, either the gateway or the workstation begin to regularly return the following error in a popup window on boot:
“No command arguments supplied!
Usage: kdesudo [-u ]
KdeSudo will now exit…”
i have not been able to determine what causes this regularly. is anyone else having similar issues? i’ve seen this mentioned in one other thread. but, i’m not sure if it is related.
I would like to help, but “kdesudo kwrite /usr/bin/kdesudo” wont work. It gives me “could not find the database of available applications, run update-command-not-found as root to this” and “kdesudo: command not found”
Did sdwdate-gui autostart for you before doing “System Settings” > “Startup and Shutdown” > “Desktop Session” > “Start with empty Session”? I guess not.
And after “System Settings” > “Startup and Shutdown” > “Desktop Session” > “Start with empty Session” sdwdate-gui autostarts for you?
I can’t reproduce this.
We should still find out what “System Settings” > “Startup and Shutdown” > “Desktop Session” > “Start with empty Session” has to do with it anyway.
^ in worst case this does nothing. In best case it prevents the popup but sdwdate-gui still doesn’t autostart. Might also help us to debug this issue.
Not directly related, but…
Testing sdwdate-gui[qubes] in VirtualBox.
The kdesudo popup does not seem to be caused by sdwdate-gui.
Could you try the following:
In /usr/lib/sdwdate-gui/start-maybe comment out the line containing only sdwdate-gui
Reboot Whonix-Gateway.
sdwdate-gui is not started but the popup is still showing.
I have installed the kdesudo wrapper. With the above setup, nothing is written in kdesudo.log. When we let sdwdate-gui start at boot, we have the expected user -u sdwdate-gui /usr/lib/...
The installation of the new sdwdate-gui basically crash everything. After rebooting, at least whonix-firewall and Tor do not start, dolphin stops working… but the popup is not showing. That is the point. Something weird must be happening before… what?