Workstation network/internet connection issue

Hi there, I am running whonix for the first time on virtual box.

I have went through the configuration and troubleshooting docs and I still cannot get Whoix workstation to browse the Internet or ping a website.

Here are the details:
Gateway is running and whonixcheck has been updated and is tor enabled
I am not running any other virtual machines other than Whonix

Error message when I run whonixcheck in Whonix Workstation

Whonixcheck in Workstation

Any help on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Hi nolan_brando

ping will not work for external addresses from your Whonix-Workstation because Tor does not support UDP.

Also, Whonix-Gateway does not respond to ping or similar commands because it is firewalled for security reasons.

You followed the steps on this page? What were the results?

Could you please run whonixcheck from Whonix-Gateway and post the output.

In Whonix-Gateway konsole, run.

whonixcheck --verbose

Hi 0brand, thanks for the quick response. I did go through the troubleshooting and still have the same issues.

Here is the output of the whonix check command you asked for:

user@host:~/Desktop$ whonixcheck --verbose
[INFO] [whonixcheck] | Whonix-Gateway | Mon Mar 11 00:32:22 UTC 2019
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Input Detection: INPUT_AUTO=true CLI=true GUI=false
stdin connected to terminal. Using cli output. Not using gui output.
Alternatively, if want to run from command line, but still use the graphical user interface for input, you could add to command line: --gui
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Root Check Result: Ok, not running as root.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Pin certificate: disabled.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] whonix_build_version:
[INFO] [whonixcheck] whonix-gateway-packages-dependencies-cli: 9.5-1
[INFO] [whonixcheck] /etc/whonix_version: 14
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Spectre Meltdown Test: skipping since spectre_meltdown_check=false, ok.
If you wish to enable this test, run:

sudo spectre_meltdown_check=true whonixcheck
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix firewall systemd unit check Result: Ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Qubes Settings Test Result: Skipped, because Qubes not detected.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Kernel Messages Test Result: Found nothing remarkable, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] check network interfaces Result: Ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check whonixsetup Result: done, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Package Manager Running Result: None running, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Check Result: “DisableNetwork 1” not active, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Config Check Result: Tor config ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Pid Check Result: Pid 1043 running., ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Control Port Filter Proxy Test Result: OK
[INFO] [whonixcheck] check_anondate_do debugging information:

tor_consensus_status : verified
current_time_in_valid_range: true

current_time_torish : 2019-03-11 00:32:25
tor_consensus_valid_after : 2019-03-10 23:00:00
tor_consensus_valid_until : 2019-03-11 02:00:00
tor_consensus_middle_range : 2019-03-11 00:30:00

tor_cert_lifetime_output :
tor_cert_lifetime_valid : true
tor_cert_valid_after :

tor_consensus_user_permission : debian-tor
tor_consensus_group_permission: debian-tor
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor SocksPort Reachability Test Result: Reachable. (curl exit code: 22 | curl status message: [22] - [HTTP page not retrieved. The requested url was not found or returned another error with the HTTP error code being 400 or above. This return code only appears if -f, --fail is used.])
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Connection Result: Ok.
tor_bootstrap_status: NOTICE BOOTSTRAP PROGRESS=100 TAG=done SUMMARY=“Done”
Tor Circuit: established
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Time Synchronization Result: Ok.
Time synchronization status: success
sdwdate reports: Success. Sleeping for 68.25 minutes.
whonix_firewall status: consecutive run after boot
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Connected to Tor.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix Census: Not needed, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix News Result: Download of Whonix News File succeeded. (file_name: none | web_link: None required at this time, ok. | curl exit code: [0] - [Success.])
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix News Result:

Whonix-Gateway Census: Skipped, because already counted less than a day ago, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix Meta Packages Test Result: Meta package non-qubes-whonix-gateway-xfce installed, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix Meta Packages Test Result: Meta package non-qubes-whonix-gateway-cli installed, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix Unwanted Packages Test Result: None found.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Initializer Result: /var/lib/whonix-initializer/status-files/ does not exist, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Virtualizer Result (debug): qubes_detected: false, continuing.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Virtualizer Result: Supported Virtualizer VirtualBox detected, continuing.
systemd-detect-virt result: oracle
[INFO] [whonixcheck] PVClock Result: /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource exist, is kvm-clock.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Timezone Result: /etc/timezone, Etc/UTC matches Etc/UTC, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Timezone Result: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC matches /etc/localtime, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] IP Forwarding Result: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is 0, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix is produced independently of, with no guarantee from, The Tor Project. Whonix is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Logs Result: /nonexistent/.msgcollector/msgdispatcher-error.log does not exist, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Logs Result: /nonexistent/.cache/tb/torbrowser_updater_error.log does not exist, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Hostname Result: “hostname --fqdn” output is “host.localdomain”, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Hostname Result: “hostname” output is “host”, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Hostname Result: “hostname --ip-address” output is “”, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Hostname Result: “hostname --ip-address” output is “localdomain”, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Entropy Available Check Result: ok. /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail: 2035
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check nonfree Result: Ok, only expected nonfree packages found. For more information, see:
Avoid Non-Freedom Software


            Contrib packages installed on host

virtualbox-guest-dkms x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module so
virtualbox-guest-utils x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities
virtualbox-guest-x11 x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities

3 contrib packages, 0.3% of 912 installed packages.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix APT Repository: Enabled.
When the Whonix team releases STRETCH updates,
they will be AUTOMATICALLY installed (when you run apt-get dist-upgrade)
along with updated packages from the Debian team. Please
read Placing Trust in Whonix ™ to understand the risk.
If you want to change this, use:
sudo whonix_repository
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Qubes Update Proxy Test Result: Skipped, because Qubes not detected.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] check_tor_socks_or_trans_port SocksPort: Skipped, because not using --leak-tests (–show-ip), ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] check_tor_socks_or_trans_port TransPort: Skipped, because not using --leak-tests (–show-ip), ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] check_stream_isolation : Skipped, because not using --leak-tests (–show-ip), ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Debian Package Update Check: Checking for software updates via apt-get… ( Documentation: Operating System Software and Updates - Kicksecure )
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Debian Package Update Check Result: No updates found via apt-get.

Hi nolan_brando

Did you verify the Whonix images after you dowloaded them?

Could you please run whonixcheck in Whonix-Workstation and post the output.

In Whonix-Workstation konsole, run.

whonixcheck --verbose

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Hi 0brand, I have no verified the whonix image but here is the output for the whonixcheck workstation.

user@host:~$ whonixcheck --verbose
[INFO] [whonixcheck] | Whonix-Workstation | Mon Mar 11 21:28:23 UTC 2019
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Input Detection: INPUT_AUTO=true CLI=true GUI=false
stdin connected to terminal. Using cli output. Not using gui output.
Alternatively, if want to run from command line, but still use the graphical user interface for input, you could add to command line: --gui
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Root Check Result: Ok, not running as root.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Pin certificate: disabled.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] whonix_build_version:
[INFO] [whonixcheck] whonix-workstation-packages-dependencies-cli: 9.5-1
[INFO] [whonixcheck] /etc/whonix_version: 14
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Spectre Meltdown Test: skipping since spectre_meltdown_check=false, ok.
If you wish to enable this test, run:

sudo spectre_meltdown_check=true whonixcheck
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Whonix firewall systemd unit check Result: Ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Qubes Settings Test Result: Skipped, because Qubes not detected.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Kernel Messages Test Result: Found nothing remarkable, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] check network interfaces Result: Ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Check Package Manager Running Result: None running, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Check Result: Not running on Whonix-Gateway, ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Config Check Result: Tor config ok.
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Pid Check Result: Not running on Whonix-Gateway., ok.
[ERROR] [whonixcheck] Tor SocksPort Reachability Test Result: Unreachable! Unexpected error! (curl exit code: 56 | curl status message: [56] - [Failure in receiving network data.])
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Connection Result:
Tor’s Control Port could not be reached. Attempt 1 of 5. Could be temporary due to a Tor restart. Trying again…
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Connection Result:
Tor’s Control Port could not be reached. Attempt 2 of 5. Could be temporary due to a Tor restart. Trying again…
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Connection Result:
Tor’s Control Port could not be reached. Attempt 3 of 5. Could be temporary due to a Tor restart. Trying again…
[INFO] [whonixcheck] Tor Connection Result:
Tor’s Control Port could not be reached. Attempt 4 of 5. Could be temporary due to a Tor restart. Trying again…
[ERROR] [whonixcheck] Tor Connection Result:
Tor’s Control Port could not be reached!


  • Confirm that Whonix-Gateway is running.
  • Run whonixcheck on Whonix-Gateway and confirm success.
  • If you’re running multiple Whonix-Workstations simultaneously, confirm that separate IP addresses are configured (see Multiple Whonix-Workstation ™).
  • Rerun whonixcheck here in this Whonix-Workstation.

(Technical information:)
(tor_circuit_established_check_exit_code: 255)
(tor_bootstrap_timeout_type: )
(tor_bootstrap_status: )
(check_socks_port_open_test: 56)
(Tor Circuit: not established)

Hi nolan_brando

Its possible the Whonix-Workstation VM was somehow corrupted or modified so its vital that the Whonix images are verified before use.

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Did you change any VirtualBox VM settings such as network settings after
importing Whonix?

If yes: you’re not supposed to do so. Whonix VMs should work out of the
box after being imported.

Did you start Whonix-Gateway before starting Whonix-Workstation? Both
have to be running at the same time for Whonix-Workstation to be functional.

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