Whonix-Workstation template clone not updating

I always clone whonix-workstation-17 before installing any non-default packages. One of my clones is not updating (with the Qubes Update tool). The clone in question has only one additional package installed, and is otherwise identical to the default template.

Specifically, even though whonix-workstation-17 was last updated yesterday, whonix-workstation-17-clone was last updated months ago, but says that it was last checked yesterday. This doesn’t make sense, because if the default template has updates available, so should the clone.

Any idea what is happening? Any logs I should provide to help troubleshoot?

These are Qubes issue. See also Qubes/Update chapter Warnings.

I don’t agree with Qubes providing GUI (graphical user interface) based update tools if bugs (such as those linked in documentation) cannot be fixed in a reasonable timeframe. Exactly because error handling is bad. Pretty sure I raised this before Qubes implemented this (shared a link to Dev/Automatic Updates - Kicksecure) but was ignored.

Hence, this needs to be redirected to Qubes support as per What to post in this Qubes-Whonix forum and what not..

Would you mind sharing a link to where you raised that? Just want to see if I can identify any way to improve our processes.

Hard to find. Must have been in the earliest tickets or discussions suggesting to invent a Qubes updater when it did not exist yet. ~10+ years ago.

The link would probably actually have been https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Dev/Automatic_Updates before it was migrated to Kicksecure wiki. (page history)