I’m closing the two threads on wallpaper and moving the discussion to this thread.
Previous threads:
What I propose – nay, DEMAND – is that all those interested can propose a wallpaper for the next whonix release inside this thread. When it comes time to make the final decision, a team member will select one.
The deciding team member for Whonix 9 will be Adre. For 10, fortasse. For 11, yours truly; and so on, in order of date joined; with Adre always having veto power over the wallpaper chosen – and any part of this process
Resolution at least as much as the old ones, since we’re using 1024x768 by default, should not be less than that. Higher resolution is better for those who use higher resolutions. Format doesn’t matter as long as it works. Test to change it with the current version manually, if it works and looks good, all is fine.
The /usr/share/whonix/mountainmist-orig.jpeg picture on Whonix-Gateway gets automatically the text added. Just replace /usr/share/whonix/mountainmist-orig.jpeg, then reboot (or “sudo service backgroundd restart”).
I decided the existing releases already. Time to move on, to let the next one decide.
For 10, fortasse.
Correction, for Whonix 9 already fortasse will decide.
Fortasse accepted.
Whonix 10 would be Jason (endless stream of creative consulting, docs, and more).
And we can generalize that. Not only team members, but those who contributed huge parts. You can also nominate who should be up to decide it in future (I am having trouble mentally assigning authorship to dates and nicknames).
I hope I am getting the dates right.
Whonix 11 Occq (testing build doc, forum activity, and more)
Whonix 12 Cerberus (testing build doc, forum activity, and more)
Whonix 13 troubadour (apparmor profiles and more)
MrSponsor, if interested as well comes somewhere in between.
with Adre always having veto power over the wallpaper chosen -- and any part of this process :P
We can generalize “Patrick” as “the one who bothers to create and upload the release”.
In other words, for upcoming Whonix-KDE builds, Patrick always having veto power over the wallpaper chosen – and any part of this process.
For the featherweight builds that are currently in the works by the community (Occq and Cerberus), those ones doing all that work will have that decision.
Hello I have made many minimalistic simple wallpapers for Arch Linux and was invited over by Occq1 on reddit and I am interested in contributing in the form of a wallpaper or a few. Here are a few of my works Only a few things I've done - Album on Imgur . Please let me know if you would like me to make a wallpaper for this GNU/Linux distribution. Thank you in advance , Homosexualobster
Great favourite distro, great work (with the wallpapers), great nickname
I myself would very much appreciate one (or several) wallpaper submission(s). I - especially - like the minimalist approach of your artwork. Thanks for getting in touch!
I think it would be better to have two different wallpapers. Otherwise confusing one desktop with the other is at risk. Also that notice on Whonix-Gateway should not be omitted, at least not by default. (Once you understand it, what you around here certainly did, feel free to change.)
Having two separate images might mean more work for the chooser, and in the case of a custom wallpaper, asking a contributor to do double work. Maybe it’s not a big deal.
Alternatively, the gateway desktop could be the same as the workstation but black and white or inverted colors! Maybe not the most artistic choice, but users would be instantly alerted that “this one is the different one you’re not supposed to trust”.
And that gateway notice message is just god-awful.
For the (graphical) GW we could just use a red background (solid color) or some other “visual alert” of some kind. Originally, I thought about using the WS wallpaper with some red frame around it, but that isn’t really feasible considering different resolutions & wallpaper scaling/zooming.