Monero daemon isolation - Qubes 4.1 qrexec issue

I have an issue with opening files in the disposable VMs and with the qrexec in the guide How to use Monero CLI/daemon with Qubes + Whonix too.

See the guide here please. In the Qubes4.0-Whonix-16 it was working.
getmonero dot org/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix dot html

I get following errors when running monero-wallet-ws:
Denied: whonix.NewStatus
Denied whonix.NewStatus+status from monero-wallet-ws to sys-whonix

In the Monero wallet I get Error: Unsuccessful – json_rpc_request
In the Qubes4.0 it was working well.

When trying to convert file or open it in the disposable VM from within the normal AppVM, I get an error popup like :

Denied: qubes.PdfConvert
Denied qubes.pdfConvert from work-email to @dispvm

Any advice appreciated!

1 issue = 1 forum thread please.

Maybe something helpful here:

Qubes issue. → What to post in this Qubes-Whonix forum and what not.

Thank you for the explanation. I was wrongly assuming that the issues are related. I will keep the thread within the borders of Monero isolation guide.

After completing all steps in the guide on AppVMs (anon-whonix) based on vanilla whonix-ws-16 template, I get following error in the monero-wallet-ws AppVM, running monero-wallet-cli:

Error: wallet failed to connect to daemon: http://localhost:18081. Daemon either is not started or wrong port was passed. Please make sure daemon is running or change the daemon address using the ‘set_daemon’ command.
Background refresh thread started

The monerod in the monerod-ws is running and syncing nicely. It seems as if the monero-wallet-ws doesn’t see the monerod-ws.

The GUI Monero wallet in the monero-wallet-ws is set according to the guide but cannot connect to the monerod-ws as well.

I checked all setting in the guide and didn’t find any mistype or any other issue.

Any ideas?

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After completing all steps in the guide on the on AppVMs (anon-whonix) based on vanilla whonix-ws-16 template, I get following error in the monero-wallet-ws AppVM, running monero-wallet-cli:

Error: wallet failed to connect to daemon: http://localhost:18081. Daemon either is not started or wrong port was passed. Please make sure daemon is running or change the daemon address using the ‘set_daemon’ command.
Background refresh thread started

The monerod in the monerod-ws is running and syncing nicely. It seems as if the monero-wallet-ws doesn’t see the monerod-ws.

The GUI Monero wallet in the monero-wallet-ws is set according to the guide but cannot connect to the monerod-ws as well.

I checked all setting in the guide and didn’t find any mistype or any other issue.

Any ideas?

Back to the roots. Master Qubes qrexec unspecific to Whonix first.