Long Wiki Edits Thread

Hi Patrick,

I didn’t want to make a new thread but could you please create the Whonix ™ for macOS: Download and Installation page? I am happy to assist macOS users to the best of my ability and will start updating the macOS wiki as issues arise.




Hi ryjorny

Thats’ awesome! MacOS page has been created. You’ve been added as page maintainer if that s’ alright with you? You can start editing when you’re ready!

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Appreciate that :blush:

sounds good. I skimmed through forum and phabricator and didn’t see any pending macos issues. Do you know of any I may have missed?

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Hi ryjorny

No issues that i know of. BTW great start on that page.

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I’ve been working on Qubes/Reinstall manual method

The advantage of this method is, that it also works with non-Fedora based Qubes dom0 UpdateVMs, i.e. also with Debian based Qubes dom0 UpdateVMs.

Since automated method can use a torified UpdateVM should we have a manual method? Everything is covered in automated method section - Salt, DVM template, uninstall templates etc. Its a lot simpler IMO. Less chance of mistakes.

Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe more advanced users with prefer manual?

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If legally possible, I guess so…
Could you remove please Copyright: and License?

I don’t think Apple or Oracle have any copyright on that page just for mentioning them. Claiming they have copyright where they didn’t invent anything may even be illegal.

For most pages Whonix copyright / licensing is already sorted in the page footer.

Unless otherwise noted, the content of this page is copyrighted and licensed under the same Libre Software license as Whonix itself. (Why?)

The format of the macOS wiki was based on the Whonix Computer Security Introduction wiki page

I am not sure headlines are enough creativity copyright wise to be protected by copyright. The Computer Security Education - Whonix says Whonix Computer Security Education wiki page Copyright (C) Amnesia <amnesia at boum dot org> but that page was rewritten / remixed so many times it’s hard to see what contents there still are by (C) Amnesia.

When creating Whonix for macOS: Download and Installation I don’t think we need to give (C) Amnesia.

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No, I don’t remember anything ever being reported.

Reinstall Qubes-Whonix Templates

qubes-templates-community-testing repository metadata outdated · Issue #4517 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub

Action reinstall means “reinstall exactly the same package”. It is not supposed to upgrade it. You probably meant --action=upgrade.

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I am pretty sure in most cases we don’t want reinstall the very same version. What we want is:

  • reinstall very same version if no newer version is available
  • upgrade to newer version if available
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Problem is --action=upgrade will not reinstall if already the latest version. So I am looking for some kind of combined command.

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Documented this in Reinstall Qubes-Whonix ™ Templates: Stable Version and opened:

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There’s a saying. Who writes, sticks. Meaning the once who starts writing something will always have a huge influence in the end result even if everyone else is invited to make edits. Sometimes not good.

When we write documentation based on upstream such as Redirecting… we should have that in mind and not necessarily copy non-ideal descriptions such as Automated Reinstallation Method and Manual Reinstallation Method. We don’t necessarily need both.

I could

have sworn --action=reinstall works only with Fedora based UpdateVM.

(But even if that was the case, that UpdateVM could use sys-whonix as its NetVM.)

Even if they did, as I grow older I stop trying make everyone happy. Someone, somewhere, will always find a reason to complain. To turn it around, having these extra instructions would actually blow up the page size and make it look more complicated, therefore offend laymen users. So either way not everyone will be happy. So let’s rather do one thing and do it well.

Sure thing, I do it now. I just tried to mimic another page I don’t know much about copyright laws other than violating them is expensive.

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There is my mistake. I was thinking reinstall because template is broken, misconfigured, compromised. Not upgrade to the latest template (point release etc.) At the beginning I was having a lot of trouble writing the page because I was trying to copy, use same format, terminology as Qubes reinstall page. For the most part we write Whonix documentation a little differently. It made for a lot of confusion.

--action=reinstall works with torified UpdateVM

But it looks like:

--action=upgrade only works with a Fedora base UpdateVM.

Including upgrade-to and downgrade

This is why Qubes has manual reinstall, which is really, uninstall the target template, then install newest template. We already have an Qubes Uninstall and Qubes Install wiki page. I should have realized that.

About --action=upgrade. You want short instruction to set a fedora based UpdateVM and use sys-whonix as NetVM for UpdateVM? Wouldn’t see why there would be an issue.

I’d also like to test --action=upgrade using torified UpdateVM to see if it works. Maybe? All my templates are latest point release. Might have to wait until next point release to test or try debian-8 upgrade-to debian-9.

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For Whonix ™ for macOS: Download and Installation perhaps better mimick Whonix ™ for Windows, macOS, Linux inside VirtualBox (Template:VirtualBox - Whonix), i.e. boxes, steps, stub steps, screenshots.

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Not possible because one is named qubes-template-debian-8 and the other one qubes-template-debian-9. Therefore no an upgrade from technical perspective of dnf. It’s a different package.

Have this complete a little later on today.

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Done! Please let me know if any changes need to be made.



Yes please - if you can check with later versions, we might have to change the order there for IMs if problems persist.

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