Linus doesn't scale and Whonix social organization structure doesn't scale yet either

I am not comparing myself with Linus but the issue is a similar one.


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We live by 2 and need to keep deviations from 1 in check as much as possible.

Wow I never heard of half of these deceased projects we definitely got a solid track record going for us though.

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I havenā€™t even read a lot about his issue an potential solutions myself yet.

Others (Debian and other Linux distributions) managed to scale (more or less) but these solutions might not be portable to Whonix since most contributors wish to stay pseudonymous.

I am also listening FOSDEM 2020 - The Selfish Contributor Explained which also talks about this issue. He said that for a while the rule was ā€œfor every feature you want to merge, you need to review two other featuresā€ and other ways trying to handle this which he thinks are bad.

Linux is still very successful though. I suppose this falls into general organizational structure and the ā€œbusiness managementā€ field of study.

Something Iā€™ve learned about the birth of an organization: They incredibly frequently start as a one-man or one-woman mission. This correlates to all kinds of organizations. Usually, someone has a vision, an idea, funding, and starts convincing othersā€¦ etc etc. Even if itā€™s not one, itā€™s usually a small group - so instead of a kingdom we have an oligarchy.

The problem is that founding an organization isnā€™t the same skill-set as presiding over one, but even if the founder(s) maintain successful control, eventually they must leave. The problem is - how do you replace yourself? Typically thatā€™s impossible to create a perfect replacement, so the founderā€™s role is split up into several, and the founder will ā€˜hire and fireā€™ as a sort of transitional phase. The founder-CEO may have a cult of personality, and be effectively impossible to replace.

So with video gaming guilds, companies, or even governments, a huge question to answer is: will it outlive itā€™s founders? Frequently it will not. Monarchy did not fail because of good Kings, it failed because of bad ones, and I believe that policies, structure, and a transition of power from single executives to a larger community-based leadership historically stands the test of time. However, thatā€™s why we see stuff like constitutions, policies, bylaws, etc.

I think Linux has founderā€™s syndrome. Debian has a distribution of power that has a higher likelihood of outliving Linux in that way.

Apologies if my post sounded grandiose or whatever, I just love studying organizations and how they mature and develop, and for some reason Iā€™m seeing a link there. I started an organization at one point so I was immersed in this stuff.

tl;dr - I think this steps into a field of study, but thereā€™s a lot of info out there. Also getting here means the project must already have grown so much. A good problem to have, right?

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Interesting read!

ā€œstillā€ implies they didnā€™t solve the issue.
On the scalability of Linus [] was posted in 2010. Somehow theyā€™ve sorted it out. At least somewhat. Linus has now ā€œtrusted lieutenantsā€.

This is now on my reading todo list:

Right. :slight_smile:

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Good reads. One thing that I believe is harmful to software projects, including Linux and its subcategories, is the adoption of so called ā€œCodes of Conductā€ . When an organization begins to do things like hire someone just because they think they have to represent a certain group, lifestyle, ideology or whatever, ultimately the project suffers. Contributors should only ever be considered based on their ability to perform the needed tasks skillfully. So-called ā€œsocial justiceā€ has absolutely NO place in development.

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Contributors should only ever be considered based on their ability to perform the needed tasks skillfully. So-called ā€œsocial justiceā€ has absolutely NO place in development.

So-called ā€œsocial justiceā€ has absolutely NO place in development.

ā€œsocial justiceā€

Right, so, very quickly we see political events occurring externally influencing internal events here.
I believe the marcom term for that is ā€œoff-brandā€ or in politics ā€œoff-message.ā€

Iā€™m finding it hard to succinctly convey the concept, but itā€™s of great importance.

Message is vitally important for scaling. After all, ideas, beliefs, values - when in a decentralized structure such as this - itā€™s the thoughts we share that bind us. I personally enjoy how Qubes has worked their philosophy into the very roots of the organization. I was exposed to it before even downloading an image.

ā€œMistrust the infrastructure.ā€

Philosophy, Principles, and Policies - I guess? I donā€™t know I just wrote that.