I’ve search the Qubes Community but I found nothing in this regard.
Is there anybody here who is able to successfully configure RetroShare on Qubes?
I’ve tried everything mentioned in Whonix Community and on Retroshare Website to configure Retroshare. But nothing works
Here are the details:
According to whonix community guideline I pasted follwoing in the sys-whonix tor user config:
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/retroshare/
HiddenServicePort 7812
HiddenServiceVersion 3
Then I created the Retroshare profile and gave the onion service address created in sys-whonix.
In the Preferences > Nework > Hidden Service Configuration default tor socks proxy was not working then I gave the IP address of sys-whonix ( and it said Proxy seems to work.
In Incoming configuration Local address is locked at there I gave port 30665 as mentioned in torrc.
In Onion Address I gave the onion address present in /var/lib/tor/retroshare/hostname and port 7812 as mentioned in torrc.
But tor incoming sign remain black.
Any Idea why?