Hidden onion services GUI in sys-whonix


ID: 896
PHID: PHID-TASK-jp46jfomv7o6k55nhvfl
Author: insurgo
Status at Migration Time: wontfix
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


The main goal of this GUI would be to permit remote assistance for trusted third party services directly into dom0.

That GUI should permit:

  • Visibility of currently active onion services
  • Creation/Deletion/Recreation of onion services
  • For each service, permit port forward definition
  • For each service, permit services to be hidden and authenticated.
  • Ask user to restart tor after having committing changes.
  • v3 should be supported.

Combined with proper salt recipes at QubesOS installation in dom0/additional AdminVMs to [[ Dev/Qubes - Whonix | automate installation and configuration of required software and services startup ]],

For this dom0 remote assistance service, the user should be able to turn remote assistance on, and be prompted with:

  • onion service name
  • authentication token

So the user can share those information through encrypted communication channel of his choice.

Prior discussion happened [[ Deploy additional AdminVM/make Dom0 manageable through onion hidden service to permit trusted 3rd party remote support · Issue #6 · SkypLabs/my-qubes-os-formula · GitHub | here ]]



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