I installed debian 10 with netinst and installed without the graphical environment, then I installed kicksecure with xfce with the distro morphing method. I am changing from Linux Mint Debian Edition because I want a more secure host for daily things and to run KVM whonix in.
Sorry if this is really basic but when I plug in my USB or DISK it doesn’t automount, is this a security feature? How can I make my extra disk, USB and external drive automount? Am I missing a package, if so, what debian package would you recommend? Also if automount package creates security problems maybe you can tell me how to just manually mount it as well?
While I am here, I find the session saving annoying and I forgot to uncheck the box the first time I shut down, I always uncheck it now and I deleted the sessions in .cache but it always keeps coming back, how can I make it stop? I think it makes the shutdown very slow, if there is a security reason to keep it though, let me know and I will consider that.
Lastly, I want to say I think Kicksecure is a great idea and I like what I see a lot so far! I will do what I can to report bugs when I see them and will consider contributing later when I have gained more experience as security is an interest of mine. So thanks for making Whonix & Kicksecure, I have used virtualbox whonix for awhile.