@Patrick Any way to keep the RAM reqs down as they were? There is no operational advantage to taking up more RAM for the GW. Otherwise I will adjust the GW to users less as possible and pt a note for users to bump it up whenever they need GUI access for configuration.
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September 12, 2021, 6:11pm
The history:
Releases of Whonix-Gateway XFCE prior build version Virtual (VM) RAM increase to 1280 MB RAM advised. [1]
Otherwise APT upgrades might freeze during module building (VirtualBox guest additions) as well as kernel header package upgrade. [2]
To change RAM setting:
Power off the virtual machine.
Open VirtualBox.
Go to VirtualBox machine settings → System → Base Memory → Increase RAM by moving the slider or type 1280.
Ignore message about invalid graphics controller VMSVGA because, s…
Whonix-Workstation with 768 MB RAM konsole gets very slowly responsive after starting Tor Browser in Whonix 14 development version (not yet uploaded, but probably soon).
Therefore temporarily set RAM to 1024 MB RAM. Might be permanent, though.
Depends on if we find solutions to reduce RAM usage. I suspect nothing that Whonix does eats a lot RAM. Suspect is KDE.
I’ve seen KDE run on odroid C2. Even small devices nowadays have 2 GB RAM. I fear it may not be possible to keep it at 768 MB RAM usa…
Coming to mind:
Linux kernel has a bug that under RAM pressure it freezes even though swap is available.
Lower RAM settings seem to work normally most of the time but during kernel module building can freeze the VM.
KVM / VirtualBox test commands:
sudo apt install --reinstall tirdad
sudo apt install --reinstall lkrg