Good day,
so as you may or may not have seen, in this thread there has already been a bit of a discussion on whether there should be a “special GUI” to make VBox simpler for beginners: [archived] Previous, now Deprecated Whonix Windows Installer - #36 by Patrick
Now, this may seem as something complex, though it isn’t. In fact, depending on your definition, this may be done in less than two minutes.
The shortcut method:
This by all definitions isn’t really a GUI by any stretch of the imaginable, though what this will give us are two icons (one for the Gateway, one for the Workstation) which start Whonix when double clicking on them.
1.) Right click on for example the desktop and select New → Shortcut. Then, click on browse and look for a file named “VBoxManage.exe”, it should be located in the folder VirtualBox was installed to.
2.) Now, type the following after the quotation marks:
startvm Gateway
This is assuming your Gateway is called “Gateway”.
3.) Right click on the newly made shortcut, go to the “Shortcut tab” and set “Minimized” under "Run.
Now, repeat this procedure for the Workstation and voila, simply click on those two shortcuts and both the Gateway and the Workstation start in their windows. Nothing needed.
The “real” method (theory):
Building on “vboxmanage.exe”, it will be quite easy to create a real GUI with an additional button for an advanced mode and more features using C++ or another basic programming language. I’ll attempt something like this in the near future.
If the GUI is in any way presentable, it could be bundled with the installer which is currently worked on, to make the “Whonix-experience” that much better.
Have a nice day,