In short: banned
Like many tools, Tor / Whonix itself is a dual use tool. Due to Tor usage statistics (http://planete.inrialpes.fr/papers/TorTraffic-NSS10.pdf) and low rates of abuse, I believe that on average, Tor does more good than harm.
Are there any statistics on pentesting tools, on their good/harm ratio?
I am not sure the combination of anonymity and pentesting is a useful one. Which legitimate use cases come to your mind?
At the moment I believe making anonymous pentesting and more usable and popular (by using Whonix) would on average do more harm than good to the Tor network.
I am asking this, because here Whonix Forum a user asked how to use sqlmap (http://sqlmap.org). Sql pentesting, exploitation and even takeover tool. No obvious intention to do something evil by this user. There is no obligation for me to help with every specific question, but I am wondering it is a useful discussion to have in Whonix forums.
In past I wasn’t sure about this. I decided to simply not answer how to make port scanners work in Whonix and hoped they wouldn’t find out themselves, which they did (fortunately?) not. Obviously this isn’t a great policy.
Few arguments come to my mind. Not necessarily mine. Streisand effect (Streisand effect - Wikipedia). The other argument is, that bad guys already know how to do it, and to archive the good ones have the same chances, explain for everyone how to do it.
Any opinions?