Windows install requires .ova in C drive?

I read the install requirements of 10 GB disk space, but installation failed. I have plenty of room, just not in C drive. I specified install in E drive, but the installer still attempts to put the huge .ova files in C: with no apparent option otherwise. Is there a way to direct the installer to use another drive?

Good day,

That is a Limitation sadly imposed by NSIS. Copying the installer in ist entirety onto E: should negate this issue. That is one of the reasons why Iā€™m currently rewriting the Installer, UI and interactive user guide from the ground up with an entirely different base for each.

Have a nice day,



Installer no longer NSIS based.

Does it still require installation to drive C?

Also works when istalled on E, F, G Drive(s) :slight_smile:

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