Considering that a system using Qubes + Whonix provides a significant level of protection, why is it still considered risky to use a home internet connection?
Technically, isn’t it very difficult to find the real IP address in this case? Is avoiding home internet a kind of OPSEC principle?
If yes are there any alternatives to USB Wi-Fi in this case?
Citation required.
I guess you’re referring to Anonymous Mobile Modems, Anonymous WiFi Adapters?
These are layers of security that can be layered upon each other. We don’t know what we don’t know. So if one layer is broken, ideally there is an additional safeguard.
Depending the on the threat model, the user can decide what trade-off they want to make.
I was planning to buy a USB Wi-Fi adapter and connect to the Wi-Fi networks of cafes or businesses around my house. I know that even in this case, my physical location can be detected by some devices, but I thought it would still be much safer than using my home internet.
I don’t know much about mobile modems and how secure they are. Do you think using an internet connection with an eSIM card would also provide the advantages of a mobile modem? Basically, what I’m curious about is a secure internet provider that I can use even while on the move.
A phone is basically a snitch that can listen to your keystrokes and I don’t think anyone can get that under control. Too Much Source Code, Too Much Complexity. There is too much you’d need to consider.
As it has already been answered, phones or mobile devices are privacy nightmare, never rely on them to conduct online sensitive activities especially in countries with authoritarian regimes.
Despite dedicated anonymous burner and sim card, they could easily geolocated too.
No matter whether qubes whonix or standalone torbrwoser , you always have to connect with tor at last , and no tor qubes or whonix can protect you against targeted traffic analysis at both origin and destination, be it qubes whonix or whatever .
Keep in mind, generally speaking when it comes to connection from A to B, there is no such 100% anonymity. Even if it would be there , there are many attack surfaces and risks.
Anyway Travel modems are much more better.