Why does xfce terminal paste commands 1 character at a time?

I have tried doing self-support to answer the question, but I cannot find an answer.

When I paste a command into the terminal, it pastes it one letter at a time (and slowing down) rather than copying and pasting it instantly. This can be an annoyance for long commands. Why is this the case, and how can I change it?

The xfce terminal does not behave this way in non-whonix distros, and I cannot find an option for this in the xfce terminal preferences. So I have to assume that it is a whonix thing.

Is it a feature of kloak? If so, I cannot find a mention of this in the kloak documentation. See http://www.dds6qkxpwdeubwucdiaord2xgbbeyds25rbsgr73tbfpqpt4a6vjwsyd.onion/wiki/Keystroke_Deanonymization . It is also not something that seems to happen elsewhere on my system.

Thank you for your help.

Depends on shell.

  • zsh does this.
  • bash doesn’t.

Try simply starting bash before paste.


For permanent default shell change, see:
Default Interactive Shell

There might be a zsh setting for as indicated by pasting characters into terminal slow · Issue #568 · romkatv/powerlevel10k · GitHub.

Reported in Change default shell from bash to zsh by default? - #165 by Patrick just now so hopefully this can be fixed.

I tried putting DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS=true into ~/.zshrc (which was blank), as suggested in pasting characters into terminal slow · Issue #568 · romkatv/powerlevel10k · GitHub, but it did not work. So I switched to bash instead, using instructions from Shell, Default Interactive Shell, Hidden Text Attacks. It works now, thank you.

The bash shell gives a long blurb of text about whonix being a research project and whonix being freedom software. It always shows this when I open up a terminal. I like this behavior. However, when I opened up the terminal using the zsh shell, I did not see this text. Is it intended for zsh shell to also always show this blurb when the terminal is opened, or is it intended to not show this blurb?

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It’s intended. Just hasn’t been implemented when porting from bash default to zsh default.

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