Germany. Depends on the definition of “free”. As long as you do not shed light upon law violations by big banks as for example Gustl Mollath, “the system” doesn’t imprison you illegally into a closed psychiatric ward. Also as long you stay away from doing, saying political relevant stuff the media won’t discredit you and they won’t incarcerate you. But well, that goes for any “free” country, no?
Yeah, well, maybe it’s still better than in other countries but then again, it’s hard to build an opinion out of a few contemporary witness and media. So I am not sure about that.
Sure. Wasn’t the topic to urge me not to go there. No problem here.
I and my Group met the CCC at his early Days. What we see there is pure facism.
Citation required. Otherwise I am unsure you're talking about another institution called "ccc".
Another point to quit with this Organisation was, they piss on poor people.
Same as above.
The CCC hisself is a big Group of rich Boys and Girls from rich Parents, who talk a lot but do nothing itselfs.
Same as above.
He copy other Developments and talk and talk and talk...
Sounds like Open Source? The same way you could accuse Whonix from being based on Debian. Without their development, Whonix wouldn't exist in its current form. But they don't mind at all. That's the spirit of the Libre Software community.
After a while they start working with the German Goverment and German Industry.
I'd rather say, CCC is an annoyance to German Government. They continuously complain about electoral computers:
They released and analyzed the trojan horse software used by the German government (Bundestrojaner):
As one result that was based on their work, the German Federal “Constitutional” Court restricted use of that software with a court ruling. This was (seemingly?) a bitchslap for legislative and executive branch.
I am not a defender of CCC. But what I’ve learned in past, they work has been government critical. Haven’t seen evidence them doing anything immoral yet. But I am open for the evidence. If you have any evidence, that CCC does immoral things, I would be delighted to check and eventually update my world view.
Probaly i think when CCC joins the Whonix Organisation you will lost a lot of Friends here.
Looks like a misunderstanding. CCC is the organizer of a yearly event. (Chaos Communication Congress) Speeches, and discussion, etc. I guess members of ccc will be a small minority during the event. People from Tor, Tails, Qubes, LEAP, accessnow, EFS, FSF and many more will attend. (See and other event wiki pages.) As far I know, none of them is considering to join CCC. Me included. If I don't attend, no one from CCC would care. Not even e-mail me.