Whonixcheck in whonix 11 workstation error message

hi there , i have faced a problem today when just the whonix 11 workstation loaded up a sudden pop-up message showed this :-

i cant run whonixcheck , because each time i click on it, it shows the same message.

Did you check if it’s a false positive?

Or did you check it’s (not) your IP?

Does it go away after changing circuit? (Control and Monitor Tor)

1- donno how to check that

2- yeah checked that and it wasnt mine

3- yeah it goes away after changing the circuit or restarting

is this normal to happen ? no further risks ?

1- donno how to check that
It's explained in the last sentence of the error message.
2- yeah checked that and it wasnt mine
3- yeah it goes away after changing the circuit or restarting
is this normal to happen ?
Can happen.
no further risks ?