Whonix workstaion timesync&whonixcheck freeze (the cause)

hi there , as usual freezing sessions showing up with me , i think (not 100% sure) i have found the reason. the reason that i think causing the whonix workstation timesync and/or whonixcheck to be freezed is:-

i have passworded the whonix workstation (which mean u cant make whonix work without a login user&pass). at this time the whonix workstation timesync and whonixcheck r going to run. (even if i didnt log in to the system).

like this i mean:-

after they finished from running , i login then they r going to run again (because the system think that they didnt run before) so here we have the freeze time.


in summary way:-

1- make a password to the workstation (which mean the system cant startup without the login)

2- DONT login directly when whonix asking u to login (which mean after the system loaded)

3- wait for 15 - 30 min (which is in my case)

4- then login = freeze going to be there

note:- dont repeat that twice, because once the timesync freezed when u restart the whonix workstation its going to work normally.

timesync sdwdate.log:-

2291: Running sdwdate... pid: 2291 | LD_PRELOAD: 2291: sdwdate_preparation: who_ami is set to user. 2291: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_pre --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 2291: dispatching DISPATCH_PRE done. 2291: dispatching DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE (SDW_MODE: startup) (LD_PRELOAD: ): /usr/lib/anon-shared-helper-scripts/te_pe_tb_check 2291: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 2 | Tor is not yet fully bootstrapped. 15 % done. Tor reports: NOTICE BOOTSTRAP PROGRESS=15 TAG=onehop_create SUMMARY="Establishing an encrypted directory connection" | waiting... 2291: DISPATCH_PREREQUISITE exited 0, continuing... 2291: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_ONE | array_length: 14 | allowed_member_failures: 5 | temp: 4.76 | array_length_remember: 0 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 15 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 2291: get : poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion:80 | local time: Sun May 10 20:58:31 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Wired's Kevin Poulsen https://pressfreedomfoundation.org/about/tech/kevin-poulsen poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion 2291: result: poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion:80 | local time: Sun May 10 20:58:37 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 67s | diff: 132 second(s) 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 30 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_ONE]} done. 2291: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_TWO | array_length: 17 | allowed_member_failures: 6 | temp: 5.78 | array_length_remember: 0 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 45 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 2291: get : w6csjytbrl273che.onion:80 | local time: Sun May 10 21:00:39 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: Ljost[24][25] 2012-September-30 Transparency Activism w6csjytbrl273che.onion https://w6csjytbrl273che.tor2web.org/ Iceland 2291: result: w6csjytbrl273che.onion:80 | local time: Sun May 10 21:00:44 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 66s | diff: 10 second(s) 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 60 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_TWO]} done. 2291: SDWDATE_CURRENT_POOL: SDWDATE_POOL_THREE | array_length: 11 | allowed_member_failures: 4 | temp: 3.74 | array_length_remember: 0 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 65 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_PRE[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 2291: get : uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion:80 | local time: Sun May 10 21:02:45 UTC 2015 | link_comment_part: https://thepiratebay.se/blog/238 2291: result: uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion:80 | local time: Sun May 10 21:02:53 UTC 2015 | status: success | took: 68s | diff: 131 second(s) 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_progress --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" --progressx 80 2291: dispatching {SDWDATE_TIME_TOOL_DISPATCH_POST[SDWDATE_POOL_THREE]} done. 2291: Results summary: one: 132 | two: 10 | three: 131 | second(s) 2291: Min: 10 | Max: 132 | Median diff: 131 second(s) [131000000000 nanosecond(s)] 2291: local unixtime : 1431291834 | local time : Sun May 10 21:03:54 UTC 2015 2291: remote unixtime: 1431291965 | remote time: Sun May 10 21:06:05 UTC 2015 2291: Made up random extra: +0.490375605 second[s] [+490375605 nanosecond(s)]. 2291: Time before setting: 1431291834.650361384 [Sun May 10 21:03:54 UTC 2015] 2291: require time change: +131.49 second(s) [131490375605 nanosecond(s)] 2291: Setting time using `date` to 1431291965.490375605... 2291: Time after setting using: 1431291965.494375855 [Sun May 10 21:06:05 UTC 2015] 2291: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS (SDW_MODE: startup): /usr/lib/timesync/timesync_post_success --autostart --identifier "timesync" --progressbaridx "$ID" --mode "$SDW_MODE" --whoami "$who_ami" 2291: dispatching DISPATCH_POST_SUCCESS done. 2291: Sleeping for 94 minutes. (RANDOMIZE: 1)

Confirmed. That bug makes sense to me. It’s an issue with msgcollector.

The whole thing how msgcollector collects messages, conditionally dispatches them and cleans them up if they no longer apply, and how whonixcheck/timesync is autostarted, progress bars are shown needs to be reworked.

More to come.

It’s just stale windows. Something to fix, but not a security issue.

phew! , glad to hear that :wink: