Whonix Short Documentation - Suggested FINAL

I had originally envisioned writing the whole thing from scratch (pulling from the wiki). @torjunkie provided a lot of material in his guide. So much of this has become a matter of aggregation and filtering of the most important points.

I. An Introduction to Whonix

Copy / paste from @torjunkie and blog post.

II. Installation and Updating (Upgrading)
    Choose a Virtualization Platform\
    Hardware Requirements
    Host Recommendations

The actual install steps can be pulled from @torjunkie’s guide. The decision process needs to be written and is a critical part of this guide for the new user. I am not entirely sure how to go about this. Very difficult (in a short amount of text) to explain host & hypervisor considerations. (ie what is the difference between Windows + Virtualbox vs Debian + KVM vs Qubes and which use cases demand which)

III. First Steps in Whonix
IV. Common Tasks
VI. Where to go from here (links)

Relatively short and straightforward. Mainly links to wiki.

V. Preserving Anonymity and Privacy

Base on #DoNot and #Warnings.