Welcome! I think we can find things for you to do.
Sheesh, with your background, your talents may go wasted on writing documentation if you could contribute code instead. Ways to Contribute. @Patrick can tell you which tasks need to be prioritized if you’re interested in that path.
I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to browse the Whonix wiki yet: Whonix ™ Documentation. It’s a massive collection of comprehensive articles which have become quite disorganized over time. Some pages need to be merged, recategorized and updated.
I am Lead Procrastinator for a rather urgent Quick-Start guide that would help new users get started with Whonix. Details here: Whonix Short Documentation - Suggested FINAL - #11 by entr0py. I’ve been bouncing things around in my head for a while so I’ve got an idea of what needs to be done. My plan is to produce a first draft this weekend. Perhaps you would be willing to provide feedback?