Upon inspecting the logs for the post at grsecurity forums
, which I came to do belatedly, having successfully deployed Tails (but without persistence
) in virtual machine, with grsecurity and iptables enabled, but only with pure Qemu:
… After all my attempts at re-deploying it with virt-manager’s virt-install were unsuccessful, [upon inspecting the logs for that post at grsecurity forums] I noticed more interesting events in my cloned machine’s yesterday’s logs (
of the two same model hardware system, the cloned is the one that’s expendable and that I use for online --I build and install more permanently, under Air-Gapped conditions, in another machine, which I call master, and from it I clone, to the bit --in such way that the cloned partitions give the same hash as the original-- [and from it I clone] the other machine; on top of that, their system partitions are encrypted, so these methods do provide some security in themselves…
First, this is the script:
cat /usr/local/bin/TailsVM08.sh
exec virt-install \
--connect qemu:///system \
--virt-type kvm \
--name tails08 \
--disk tails08.img \
--memory 512 \
--network network=default \
--virt-type qemu \
--video qxl \
--channel spicevmc \
Pls. do notice what is relevant for this Whonix in Gentoo installation topic, and that is those lines in the script that will show to cause some “CRITICAL” and some “failed” printed on the screen… Notice:
--video qxl \
--channel spicevmc \
In the Whonix-Gateway.xml and Whonix-Workstation.xml there are lines to the same effect, but only in XML:
I do have Gentoo’s x11-drivers/xf86-video-qxl, app-emulation/spice, app-emulation/spice-protocol, and net-misc/spice-gtk installed in my system, but…
But this is what happened in the terminal:
$ TailsVM08.sh --cdrom tails-i386-2.10.iso
WARNING No operating system detected, VM performance may suffer. Specify an
OS with --os-variant for optimal results.
Starting install...
Creating domain...
| 0 B 00:00:00
(virt-viewer:9916): GSpice-CRITICAL **: egl init failed: cannot create EGL context
(virt-viewer:9916): GSpice-CRITICAL **: egl realize failed: failed to activate context
Little use that tails08 was for some more time (I then started virsh, and “shutdown”, "destroy"ed and "undefine"ed it) one of the inactive, but installed, domains…
Little use was that it looked like this:
# virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualisation interactive terminal.
virsh # list
Id Name State
virsh # list --inactive --uuid --name
2823ce11-81b4-4c74-b465-2bb5980951c0 tails08
042b1507-6257-4e52-96b1-b9aef92e8b20 tails09
4e799823-f1cc-4fed-8ba0-7f345c4f4225 Whonix-Gateway
12a4fae2-6585-4230-93ad-45e65ce3d438 Whonix-Workstation
virsh #
Because after some searching with duckduckgo.com (and deep thinking; it didn’t just dawn pronto on me, I’m not particularly talented at all), the EGL context is the mouse and keyboard! And it was missing… Aaaargghh! I really could start the virtual machine – the domain–, but I wouldn’t be able to either type or click in it!
In case, as I believe, spice is essential to deploying Whonix, I’ll have to look more into what to try next. (Obviously reconsider the installation that I have, see the link to the “GUI-less (non-dbus) virt-manager (to run Tails in Gentoo)” that I already gave…
No, I’m not letting dbus into my system, no way! But the question is if it is possible to do without it, that really might show to be the question… Might be a good thing that my home distro is Gentoo, where there might be, with a lot of work and testing, good chances to accomplish this one another task to live without dbus… But who knows…
If anyone has any suggestions/advice, I’ll be glad to consider what they have to say!
I have successfully completed, as I posted in the previous post, all the steps up unto
If you know Virtual Machine Manager, there is nothing special about starting Whonix VMs …
I’m almost certain that without a working spice and friends installation, the starting of Whonix can not work, but I will try it next… (the reader probably hasn’t yet notice that I like to create suspense, or has (s)he?)
Anyway, the next that I will try, and report about:
Command Line Interface (CLI)[edit]
virsh -c qemu:///system start Whonix-Gateway
To start Whonix-gateway. Respectively
virsh -c qemu:///system start Whonix-Workstation
To start workstation
TBO I don’t have an idea what these commands are supposed to get going on my system…
Is that just going to get Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation running, but without anything GUI, and will it tell me to start it with virt-viewer?
Is there a video somewhere about it? I mean, a simple video, without the Schmoog (or the likes, and his parasitic “analytics” and “tagging” services) intrusion on my system? If I am to make it, there will be a video (and without parasitic intrusionals on you, just plain webm)… But for me to make it, you may have to be patient much longer yet… (and these are only my intentions and wishes, not a promise).