i have simple fast question. Im newbie so please bear with us if question is stupid, for me some things are not so obvious.
I have 2 computers: one is my workstation, second is a simple server with debian (or whatever).
Both are connected in the same Local network. My question is:
What is the simplest way to use my second machine as whonix-gateway?
Just install Whonix-gateway on Virtualbox and configure it ? But how to do that ?
In a Physical Isolation build, the recommendation is to install Whonix-Gateway directly on your hardware (bare-metal). You increase your attack surface by adding an additional OS and Virtualizer to the setup without gaining any real benefits. Build Documentation: Physical Isolation
Please be sure you are using the correct terminology. VPN is not the same as virtual LAN.
Just noticed subject line of post. If your intention is to connect the 2 computers via Wireless networking, you’re probably better off using Qubes. Using wireless may necessitate using a VPN with a fail-safe: see Connections between Whonix-Gateway ™ and Whonix-Workstation ™
Hello friends.
Thanks for your advices a lot. But i very keen to have this gateway on separate computer. I made all steps from this guide but i dont know how to configure eth0 and eth1 in step Network Verification.
And yes sorry for terminology, next time i will be more accurate.
Can you explain me how to do it ? . Many thanks
It’s very likely possible but you are on your own figuring it out, which may not be super simple indeed. As said in my last post, it’s undocumented, unsupported.