Whonix build error - ERROR: Host /home/user/Whonix/build_sources/debian_stable_current_clearnet.list does not match chroot /etc/apt/sources.list

Hello friends!
I am being try build Gateway on debian 11 host the whonix . I have try do something but without success.

I am getting this

> # This system was installed using small removable media
> # (e.g. netinst, live or single CD). The matching "deb cdrom"
> # entries were disabled at the end of the installation process.
> # For information about how to configure apt package sources,
> # see the sources.list(5) manual.
+ error 'ERROR: Host /home/user/Whonix/build_sources/debian_stable_current_clearnet.list does not match chroot /etc/apt/sources.list'
+ echo '############################################################'
+ echo 'ERROR: ERROR: Host /home/user/Whonix/build_sources/debian_stable_current_clearnet.list does not match chroot /etc/apt/sources.list'
ERROR: ERROR: Host /home/user/Whonix/build_sources/debian_stable_current_clearnet.list does not match chroot /etc/apt/sources.list
+ echo '############################################################'
+ error_reason='ERROR: Host /home/user/Whonix/build_sources/debian_stable_current_clearnet.list does not match chroot /etc/apt/sources.list'
+ error_ 'See above! (There should be a bold, red message surrounded by blue hashtags (#).)'
/home/user/Whonix/help-steps/pre: line 43: error_: command not found
++ error_handler_chroot-raw
+++ caller
++ : echo '
BASH_COMMAND: error_ "See above! (There should be a bold, red message surrounded by blue hashtags (#).)"
ERROR /home/user/Whonix/help-steps/chroot-raw: | caller: 43 /home/user/Whonix/help-steps/pre
++ exit 1
+ exithandler
+ local exit_code=1
+ '[' '!' 1 = 0 ']'
+ exit 1
++ errorhandlerunchrootunpreventunmount ERR
++ last_failed_exit_code=1
++ last_failed_bash_command='"$WHONIX_SOURCE_HELP_STEPS_FOLDER/chroot-raw"'
++ output_cmd_set
++ '[' -o xtrace ']'
++ output_cmd=true
++ errorhandlerprocessshared ERR
++ last_script=././build-steps.d/1700_install-packages
++ trap_signal_type_previous=
++ '[' '' = '' ']'
++ trap_signal_type_previous=unset
++ trap_signal_type_last=ERR
++ whonix_build_error_counter=1
+++ benchmarktimeend 1643595334
++++ date +%s
+++ benchmarktimeend=1643595338
+++ benchmark_took_seconds=4
++++ convertsecs 4
++++ local h m s
++++ (( h=4/3600 ))
++++ true
++++ (( m=(4%3600)/60 ))
++++ true
++++ (( s=4%60 ))
++++ printf '%02d:%02d:%02d\n' 0 0 4
+++ echo 00:00:04
++ benchmark_took_time=00:00:04
++ local first
++ read -r first _
++ processbacktracefunction
++ true 'INFO: BEGIN: processbacktracefunction'
++ '[' -o xtrace ']'
++ set +x
++ true 'INFO: END  : processbacktracefunction'
++ functiontracefunction
++ true 'INFO: BEGIN: functiontracefunction'
++ '[' -o xtrace ']'
++ set +x
++ true 'INFO: END  : functiontracefunction'
++ output_cmd_set
++ '[' -o xtrace ']'
++ output_cmd=true
++ true '
ERROR in ././build-steps.d/1700_install-packages detected!

whonix_build_error_counter: 1
benchmark: 00:00:04
last_failed_exit_code: 1
trap_signal_type_previous: unset
trap_signal_type_last    : ERR

1: : init
2: : xfce4-terminal 
3: : bash 
4: : bash Galacxy/Prep-Whonix-PT2.sh 
5: : sudo /home/user/Whonix/whonix_build --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --repo true --build --arch amd64 --allow-untagged true --allow-uncommitted true 
6: : /bin/bash /home/user/Whonix/whonix_build --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --repo true --build --arch amd64 --allow-untagged true --allow-uncommitted true 
7: : /bin/bash ././build-steps.d/1700_install-packages 

main (line number: 471)
main (line number: 467)
install-packages (line number: 215)
errorhandlerunchrootunpreventunmount (line number: 389)
errorhandlerprocessshared (line number: 208)

last_failed_bash_command: "$WHONIX_SOURCE_HELP_STEPS_FOLDER/chroot-raw"
++ unset error_reason
++ '[' ERR = INT ']'
++ '[' ERR = TERM ']'
++ '[' ERR = ERR ']'
++ '[' '!' 0 = 0 ']'
++ true 'INFO: whonix_build_auto_retry set to 0 (--retry-max). No auto retry.'
++ unset whonix_build_auto_retry_counter
++ true
++ ignore_error=false
++ answer=
++ '[' ERR = ERR ']'
++ '[' '' = true ']'
++ '[' -t 0 ']'
++ true 'INFO: stdin connected to terminal, using interactive error handler.'
++ true 'ERROR in ././build-steps.d/1700_install-packages detected!

Please have a look above (the block within ###...).

 - Please enter c and press enter to ignore the error and continue building. (Recommended against!)
 - Please press r and enter to retry.
 - Please press s and enter to open an chroot interactive shell.
 - Please press a and enter to abort.'
++ read -p 'Answer? ' answer

wow found this Build Documentation: Physical Isolation

Will try tomorrow… I keep in touch :wink:

nop :S
missing something on this command?
user@maxine:~/Whonix$ sudo ~/Whonix/whonix_build --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --repo true --aarch amd64 --build

Best Regards Ty

Welcome back!

What are you trying to build? Which platform? Which instructions? Which build command?

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Heya Patrick ! Thank you. I am a little away ^^

I am doing the same at last time :slight_smile: (with success), This time new Distro version (11) and Whonix (16) :smiley:

I am Run a VM With Debian 11 (try without Desktop and With). and try building from source (gateway-xfce). I have updated my appointments with updated documentation :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

PS: check EDIT2 on 1st Post :call_me_hand:

--target root is very wrong, because:

In this case: disregard the Build Documentation: Physical Isolation wiki page. That’s something entirely different.


You need this one:

Bloco de Citação
You need this one:

sorry. my mistake writting here. I have write correctly on console.

Bloco de Citação
–target root is very wrong, because:

Sorry friend, i not understand, that ‘–target root’ will not build the debian installation? :zipper_mouth_face: :face_with_thermometer:

Whonix doesn’t build a Debian installation. Dunno what you mean by that.

Unless you know what physical isolation is, don’t use --target root.

--target is documented on Whonix ™ VM Build Documentation.

Sorry friend. I like mean the inverse! Debian build a whonix system.

I will try without --repo true parameter

WOW. have found on that page info about Raspberry. :open_mouth:
I will test after!! i got an rpi4 2GB and 4GB.

What do you want to build? Whonix VirtualBox, KVM, …?

I intend to convert this Debian 11 server installation to Whonix Gateway

Unfortunately I have lost my notes on the build (, which I acquired here and in the telegram group (ty all memberS) .

However, I did read some of the (much more up to date/organized) documentation. Maybe physical isolation was the choice I need follow. I have set different hostname and user on my debian and cant remember … network mirror set… i will follow this DOCc step-by-step :muscle:.

I remember running the said " --target root " (or just a confusion with much try and error :sweat_smile: )

Best Regards :pray:

EDIT (not solved):
Should not proceed :expressionless: ?

NOT Solved this part: add -b on git checkout --recurse-submodules -b - but no

Hi again. after some more try and errors.


I am able to build --target qcow2 , --target raw and with --favor whonix-gateway-rpi --target raw with with this commands:

sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target qcow2 --build
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target qcow2 --arch amd64 --build
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-rpi  --target raw --build --arch arm64 --kernel linux-image-arm64 --headers linux-headers-arm64
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target raw --build
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target raw --arch amd64 --build --kernel linux-image-amd64 --headers linux-headers-amd64


keep getting the error from first post (/build-steps.d/1700_install-packages detected!)

sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target virtualbox --build
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --build
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --arch amd64 --build
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --arch amd64 --build --allow-uncommitted true
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --arch amd64 --build --allow-uncommitted true --allow-uncommitted true
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --build --arch amd64 --kernel linux-image-amd64 --headers linux-headers-amd64
sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --build --arch amd64 --kernel linux-image-amd64 --headers linux-headers-amd64


Able to build raw and qcow2 and rpi
Cannot build root and virtualbox

Full Log : sudo ~/Whonix/whonixbuild --flavor whonix-gateway-xfce --target root --build
https://oshi.at/JJzk OR http://5ety7tpkim5me6eszuwcje7bmy25pbtrjtue7zkqqgziljwqy3rrikqd.onion/JJzk

This check doesn’t apply to physical isolation and shouldn’t run.

In this case, you have my blessing to ignore this error and continue.

- Please enter c and press enter to ignore the error and continue building. (Recommended against!)

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