Whonix 14 build script changes alternative


Instead of changing the build script I can tell users to create the network xml file in a single command and import that with net-define.

SE answer:

echo '<root><foo a="b">lorem</foo><bar value="ipsum" /></root>' |
    xmllint --format - >> example.xml

I’ll add: libxml2-utils to the packages they need to install. (On Debian its installed by default)

Running this command:

echo "<network><name>external</name><forward mode='nat'/><bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0'/><ip address='' netmask='' /></network>" |
    xmllint --format - >> external_network.xml

Gives external_network.xml containing:

  <forward mode='nat'/>
  <bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0'/>
  <ip address='' netmask=''/>

All you need to do is accept all pull requests except the external_network one. Unless you have the internal network names hardcoded it should solve this. Tell me if you need to revert to the “Whonix” network.

Another non-related problem: Users upgrading that don’t delete their old ‘Whonix’ network will run into a conflict because of the same virtual bridge number already exists. Something I can do is choose completely different virbr numbers for external/internal network files to avoid this. What do you think?

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Instead of changing the build script I can tell users to create the network xml file in a single command and import that with net-define.

I find this a horrible idea. Would decrease usability even more and not
properly record file changes over time.

I’ll try merge all and try fixing the build script a stab.

Supposed to be used on gateway?

Supposed to be used on workstation?


Context for anyone else following this.

Assumed yes. Done.


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An awful hack yes. Thanks for biting the bullet and fixing the build scripts.

Now that its a post Stretch release there are some changes to GW/WS settings I want to include.

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