Originally published at: News - Whonix Forum
Either start with fresh templates. I.e. uninstall qubes-template-whonix-gw and qubes-template-whonix-ws. Then, to install, run in dom0:
sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-whonix-gw qubes-template-whonix-ws
Or you can also upgrade from Whonix’s repository. Please refer to the following instructions:
Or you can also upgrade from Whonix’s repository. Please refer to the following instructions:
Whonix 12 -> 13 changes:
(Same version as Whonix
the link for the virutalbox download of version 3 are not up yet they are still on version 12
I mean version 13 not version 3
the links have not been updated still showing version 12
yeah same as @d0pest , KVM and Vbox didnt changed.
tho, u can download the .ova for Vbox or .libvirt.xz for kvm from here:-
Right after installing and starting the workstation, i get an error that there is “unexpected inconsistency” and to run fsck check amanually. so i proceed to run fsck, and it then it asks me to individiually confirm delete all 500+ files in the vmdk. I feel like i am being punked or something. Am i on tv, or did you guys test this or what?
I am using virtualbox for debian and it is formated to ext3. maybe that is the issue? i have to use ext2?
the gateway appliance image works fine though. just the workstation.
Brand new download? Did you verify the images? If not, you may very well be being punked.
If this is a “used” workstation, then that error is file-system corruption related. Search “virtualbox unexpected inconsistency”
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Hi. I downloaded a fresh copy of the whonix workstation and got it to work. my first copy is fine too and has a checksum the same. however, when i copied it from my desktop to usb, so i could copy it to my other computer, then it got corrupted and was about 4,000 bytes shorter than it was supposed to be.