We unfortunately cannot get rid of dependencies by adding it to
anon-banned-packages. The only way would be to avoid [the chain of] the
application that depends on it.
I have the latest developer branch build but its missing a lot of interesting changes for me.
I tried building from master to get all the uncommitted files but the script dies with an error. It would be nice if you could create a new “testing” rolling branch that you manually commit to every few days.
The master branch is a rolling development branch but it would be too
much effort to make sure it’s always successfully building without
errors. However, it’s easy to skip errors or fix them for developers.
You probably know but the forum desktop shortcut needs updating to point to the new address. I also think its time to move the IRC support channel to a new server because OFTC has been blocking Tor access for weeks now.
It would be useful to mention in Tor Browser downloader that the hardened version is: (x64 only)
The current message in that window is big enough. And that code complex
enough. And explanatory enough. If users stick with the recommended
(pre-selected), everything is fine. Otherwise if they want to use
hardened versions and it fails, they find the related thread on google.
Has not caused support requests yet. So I leave it as is. Patches
happily considered.