What should be the size of /var for Whonix on KVM?

Right now the size of /var (on Debian 12 bookworm) here is 22G:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted
/dev/mapper/debian–vg-var 22G 21G 534M 98% /var
( command ~$ LC_ALL=C df -hP | column -t )
Do I need to enlarge /var and how much?

/var/lib/libvirt/images# du -h Whonix-.qcow2
8.1G Whonix-Gateway.qcow2
12G Whonix-Workstation.qcow2
/var/lib/libvirt/images# du -h --apparent-size Whonix-
101G Whonix-Gateway.qcow2
101G Whonix-Workstation.qcow2
Does Whonix-*.qcow2 needs 101G or 202G? Or less?

There also seems to be a bug in baobab (disk-usage-analyzer GUI) on Debian, it doesn’t see any .qcow files.

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Required knowledge:

(Whonix is based on Kicksecure.)

Note: I am not a maintainer of Whonix KVM.

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I thought I would make a new topic of the file sizes, but then found this thread so I continue here. I realized I was not able to install Whonix on KVM in my system that has "only " ca. 70 GB empty space. After running the tar uncompressing command prompt the files that come out will take huge amount of space and I got error that there is not enough space and the process interrupted. It was somewhere around 67 GB where it stopped. My SSD is 180GB in size, but about half of it is already used by Linux and other stuff. Is there any way around this? Do I really need to dedicate like 100GB of empty space only to use Whonix?

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Which host file system?

Did you read that?

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I don’t know about the host file system. It is most probably the default one that comes in fully crypted Mint 21.2 installation.

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