What kind of hardware information VB know about host?

Hallo too all. I have some question.
I read a lot of forums and responses . but I would like to hear from you. How i can
divided he host machine and the whonix (on virtual box). Is it safe to use host like real person and the whonix like anonymity. Can sites identify like my whonix and host = one machine?

Good day,

Not sure what you mean. By nature, Whonix and the host are separated already. However, using the two simultaneously isn’t recommended for this reason: Tips on Remaining Anonymous.

Have a nice day,


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also vbox leaks information about ur computer, check here:-

so if i remove VirtualBox. and use KVM it will really save my hardware info?(CPU n other)

i read some information. and i see how ppl says that XEN is more better anonymity and secure then KVM. is xen good for whonix?

so if i remove VirtualBox. and use KVM it will really save my hardware info?(CPU n other)

as the test that i have done = yes

i read some information. and i see how ppl says that XEN is more better anonymity and secure then KVM. is xen good for whonix?

well Qubes is better than Vbox/Vmware for sure , but regarding KVM i would say that the sufficient security+anonymity is to use whonix inside Qubes. but if u find out that xen is better than kvm then use Qubes.

difficult to understand.
for what i need qubes? i dont need many different virtual machines at the same time. i just need to run whonix on isolation and secure hypervisor wich can hide my hardware


i chekt this page. but dont understand inaf.

if i will use KVM (replaced virtualbox) will my hardware reliably hide? qubes i dont whant too use cuz it hard for notebook.

what do you think Patrick

There is most likely no usable solution to this issue anywhere.

what do u mean. is this whonix support? not nice :frowning: i still dont understand.

You can ask a question and someone might post an answer. In this case the answer is “This is a difficult technical problem and no one on earth has been skilled and motivated enough to fix it.” You might not like the answer, I don’t like the answer either, but nonetheless it is the current state of affairs.

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I hope @nurmagoz say something sensible

where you see a technical problem ? This problem can be solved , just that you are not competent enough. sry

For KVM this is an open development task.

So all WHONIX users work in internet whith open to all information about CPU?
it can be considered safe ?

  • it’s not all information just specific ones, no hardware serials (specifics: Protocol Leak and Fingerprinting Protection‎)
  • to read it, an attacker first requires local compromise
  • so in most cases most of the time this information is not leaked
  • even if leaked, it does not automatically lead to deanonymization
  • no perfect anonymity/privacy/security

but i heard java script and flesh can show this information for site? even without a installed virus, is it true? .

Good day,

Well, yes and no.

First of all, JS should never be activated. However, in this case that wouldn’t make a difference either, as information about the processor in use can only be read via JS using a added extension of FF not existing in it and concerning any other, readable information the TBB prevents this kind from beeing leaked by letting everyone have the same user agent, resolution, etc.

Have a nice day,


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