westtimer via Whonix Forum:
Could I ask you a couple questions to see if im on the right track.
What is roughly required, see this thread:
Identifying and prevention of starts of its integrated Tor binary wasn’t
easy to figure out (
Bisq: The P2P Exchange Network )
- minor importance for now, a better port number as per:
Stream Isolation - local redirection of Tor port to Whonix-Gateway
- Is Tor ControlPort access required? If yes, onion-grater profile required.
- Does it have a mechanism to start Tor (that actually still works in
Whonix, unlikely) or does it come with its own built-in Tor? Compareps aux
before and after starting the application. find/grep the source
code, ask upstream developers.
Not rocket science but usually no one is up for it.
In case of bisq I only started working on it 7 months later due to a
professional support request.