You do not need it.
Your USB mouse / keyboard is handled by the host operating system.
For the vast majority of users VirtualBox Extension Pack is not required.
See also:
VirtualBox Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
This is a page for developers. You can see this because the URL contains /Dev/
Therefore users (non-developers) will be unable to understand it.
is a Tor traffic whitelisting gateway. It is a filtering gateway, not a proxying gateway and can also be configured as a BridgeFirewall
There are no known leaks.
Ok, the wording…
KVM: Therefore also leak-testing using corridor on the host failed
Wasn’t great. A more correct wording was used just now. “The test cannot be used.”
References for the issue now described more accurately:
- testing on Debian host · Issue #28 · rustybird/corridor · GitHub
- [Help Welcome] KVM Development - staying the course - #546 by Patrick
There is no evidence of leaks.
Users won’t be able to understand this any further without studying the underlying technology. Similar to Quote Four color theorem - Wikipedia
A simpler statement of the theorem uses graph theory. The set of regions of a map can be represented more abstractly as an undirected graph that has a vertex for each region and an edge for every pair of regions that share a boundary segment. This graph is planar: it can be drawn in the plane without crossings by placing each vertex at an arbitrarily chosen location within the region to which it corresponds, and by drawing the edges as curves without crossings that lead from one region’s vertex, across a shared boundary segment, to an adjacent region’s vertex. Conversely any planar graph can be formed from a map in this way. In graph-theoretic terminology, the four-color theorem states that the vertices of every planar graph can be colored with at most four colors so that no two adjacent vertices receive the same color, or for short: every planar graph is four-colorable.[5]
This is something which I won’t understand without probably studying math for years let alone doing verification of correctness.
However, I guestimate that studying computer, networking and Whonix might be a lot easier and require less time than verification of four color theorem.
Following the sources the origin is Class action against Oracle's worldwide surveillance machine - Irish Council for Civil Liberties this has nothing to do with VirtualBox. The linked class action PDF neither. It’s about other things.