Using cowbuilder for build-steps.d/1200_create-debian-packages?


ID: 52
PHID: PHID-TASK-qjb22voz6ez6w5vgt6f3
Author: JasonJAyalaP
Status at Migration Time: resolved
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


migrated from github:

I am considering to revise build-steps.d/1200_create-debian-packages.

Current issues:

  • dpkg-buildpackage unfortunately does not support a --outputdir option (feature request), so .deb packages end up in …/ or in other words in whonix_source_folder/packages directory.
  • When creating a package, debhelper creates temporary files within whonix_source_folder/packages/$package_name/debian and as far I know this cannot be prevented either.
  • Needless to say, having temporary and binary (.deb’s) within Whonix source folder is non-ideal. (Risk of custom builders committing them to git or asking when/how/if they can be deleted.)
  • Therefore an ugly cleanup step is required, which risks wiping files which others added in meanwhile.

Unfortunately, this task will have to wait, because cowbuilder does not produce deterministic builds in neither wheezy nor jessie.

Produced a work in progress cowbuilder branch:

That modifies:

There is a new function create_whonix_debian_packages_using_cowbuilder:

Unfortunately, this task will have to wait, because cowbuilder does not produce deterministic builds in neither wheezy nor jessie.

No upstream bugreport necessary, because it is fixed in sid + reproducible builds custom build environment (ReproducibleBuilds - Debian Wiki). I guess this will be possible in jessie + 1 (#Debian_Stretch).



2017-01-17 05:39:02 UTC


2017-01-20 12:47:07 UTC