Unexpected big size of vdi

Hello! I have faced with very big size of vdi as it seems to me. Meanwhile I don’t have any big files just about 2GB while vdi is 73GB . I have checked the system with baobab rooted and not . All screenshots below. I don’t understand moment which called “proc” with size 140TB . Moreover I have multiply workstation and second one has just about 18 GB which looks normal, isn’t it? Does anyone have any thoughts about this?

This would probably happen for any Linux distribution such as Debian buster.

Therefore should be resolved as per Free Support for Whonix ™.

As for /proc… “It is not real.” Whatever “real” means when talking about virtual things. It is a virtual filesystem. Not part of actual hard drive storage. Too much to explain. Literally books where written on that subject. Lot of inromation on /proc are discoverable using search engines. Search term:

linux /proc


debian /proc
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Sorry for this noob question. I really didn’t know beforehand that it’s common issue for Debian system but now I know.

The solution for other members is How to compact VirtualBox's VDI file size? - Super User

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