Typographical & grammar errors [SOLVED]

In the news (top-right corner).

“It would be great, if you could contribiute to Whonix by creating a writing a Whonix Wikipedia Article article. (Its own article, not a redirection to another page.)”

Change to

“It would be great if you could create a Wikipedia page for Whonix (it’s own article, not a redirection to another page)”.

“Did you know anyone can improve Whonix’s wiki?”

Change to

“Did you know that anyone can edit Whonix’s wiki?”

“Did you know, that there are 5 different options to subscribe to Whonix source code changes?”

Change to

“There are 5 different options to subscribe to Whonix source code changes”

2 and 3 are not errors but personal preferences.

Is there a list of all the “News:” content?


Please add [solved] to your thread title when this is done.

Will do.

List of news:

Would it make sense to close the thread by default and then I keep it maintained as a list of all available “news”?

Suggestions for new news could then be posted in a new thread, that at some point gets the [solved] tag.


"It would be great, if you could contribiute to Whonix by creating a writing a Whonix Wikipedia Article article. (It's own article, not a redirection to another page.)"

Change to

“It would be great if you could create a Wikipedia page for Whonix (it’s own article, not a redirection to another page)”.

pronoun possessive form: NO APOSTROPHE
it —} its
him —} his

it is —} it’s
he is --} he’s

shoe —} shoes
distro —} distros
user —} users

something else (objective noun form? i can’t recall the exact term)
user —} user’s reaction (a reaction of a single user)
users —} users’ reaction (a shared reaction among multiple users)[/b]

=========== complex, sometimes contradictory, and often confusing (even to native English speakers)

possessive form of collective nouns, when describing a single collective, or a trait/atttribute common among members of the collective:
people —} people’s (of the people)
community —} community’s (of the community)
even when describing multiple traits (some people within group hold opinion1, others hold opinion2) across a single group:
people’s opinions
(single because group == the human species …or because it stands as shorthand for varied opinions of the people ?)

Part of the “confusion” stems from intentional grammatical abuse performed by editorial (especially political) writers.
Writing “the people’s choice” is only appropriate when presenting the empirical outcome of a formal vote.
Too often, editorial writers feed us drivel like “the nation’s reaction” ~~ presuming we will blindly believe that every single person, or at least a (somehow) measurable majority of the people with the nation, are reacting (or have reacted) in suchandsuch a way. Ah statistics, lack of statistics, and damned lies.