Trying to verify whonix images

I am trying to verify Whonix images but i had little success so far. I downloaded the GPG tools and tried verifying the images via terminal only to be presented with the following error

" gpg: can’t open ‘Whonix-*.ova.asc’: No such file or directory

gpg: verify signatures failed: No such file or directory"

I used $ sh/path/to/shell Likely $ sh /bin/bash to manually direct to it to .bash, however it still came back with an error of “no command found”

Is there any other way to sort this out ?

By learning the basics outside of Whonix. I.e. making it unspecific to Whonix as per Free Support for Whonix ™.

I.e. Linux basics, command line basics, how to locate files on the command line, how to verify any other signed files by oneself or any other people.
