tor - riseup vpn

Hello, so if we open vpn while connected to tor, will we disconnect from tor? I did so and I am no longer connected to tor because

thank you very much, so if we open vpn while connected to tor, will we disconnect from tor? I did so and I am no longer connected to tor because


It’s a chain.

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Simple test websites cannot detect a Tor IP if you replaced it with a VPN IP.

I did tor - riseup vpn and it no longer shows connected to tor browser, it shows connected to tor with vpn off, is this a problem for anonymity?


Patrick I wrote more but it gives such an error how can I solve it

ERROR: Tor Browser ended with non-zero (error) exit code!

Tor Browser was started with:

/home/user/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/start-tor-browser --verbose --allow-remote .

Tor Browser exited with code: 143

To see this for yourself, you could try:
Start Menu β†’ System β†’ Xfce Terminal
Then run:

This can be found with the forum search.