Tor integration in Whonix

That is backports. You can see all versions here.


yep, so users of whonix will get this upgrade becaue BP repo is enabled by default.

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Nope. Packages from backports are only installed if explicitly requested by using -t --target-release. Otherwise would be a too much with many backports updates all the time.


No not correct, i just got it with apt update/full-upgrade normally
because the BP already enabled by default.

doesnt need to be explicitly called.

extraextra via Whonix Forum:

No, backports really aren’t upgraded to by default. Documented with evidence (in a footnote) just now here:
System-Wide Upgrade to Backports

However, once you manually install from backports, you will keep getting upgrades from backports, I think.

Why do you have the newer Tor version installed then? Because it was uploaded to the project Kicksecure repository for a few days.

(Whonix is based on Kicksecure.)

Citation required.

If you have the newer version, it is recommended to revert to Debian stable version as per:
Tor Version Downgrade

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Now also in stable-proposed-updates.


This is now in the stable repository.


Tor is now in all repositories.

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AVC apparmor=“DENIED” operation=“mknod” profile=“system_tor” name=“/run/tor/control.txt.tmp” comm=“tor” requested_mask=“c” denied_mask=“c”

Tor upstream bug. Reported here:

This is now in the testers repository.

This is now in the stable-proposed-updates repository.

This is now in the stable repository.

As of version 1.2.2, Arti supports Vanguards, a defense against guard discovery attacks targeting hidden services and hidden service clients

Should Whonix switch to Arti and Vanguards in full mode for more anonymity and security for users and hidden service owners? Vanguards is currently disabled in Whonix and is not supported in the current version of Tor

This is planned to be done when technically possible / considered feasible by developers / the required Whonix source code changes being available.

Technical details here: Keep an eye on Arti (Tor)