Tor Browser / Tor Browser Bundle ports


I’m wondering why there are different port settings for Tor Browser and standard TBB. (see below)
Could you please elaborate on this?
Do you apply “IPv6Traffic PreferIPv6 KeepAliveIsolateSOCKSAuth” somewhere else in the TBB on Whonix Workstation?
If I route a custom workstation with standard TBB through Whonix Gateway, should I use port 9150?
Is there a big difference?


## Web: Tor Browser
## Not using IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort, because too much
## performance loss, too much load on Tor network and not secure.
## Ticket
## is the right way to solve this issue. Waiting for upstream.

## Tor Browser Bundle Default Port
## This port gets used if someone uses the default Tor Browser Bundle.
## (rinetd runs on Workstation and forwards connections from
## to [as part of the
## anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor package].)
## Not using IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort, because too much
## performance loss, too much load on Tor network and not secure.
## Ticket
## is the right way to solve this issue. Waiting for upstream.
SocksPort IPv6Traffic PreferIPv6 KeepAliveIsolateSOCKSAuth

Port 9100 is a leftover. Legacy. Not actually used. The comments should be updated, but otherwise you can forget about it.

Thanks Patrick!