Hello, I got problem, with current version of Whonix running in VirtualBox, downloading any file marked as Failed right after reaching 100%, leaving in file system 3 files. For example, OriginalName.txt (0B), OriginalName (1).txt (0B), and OriginalName.x1y2z3.txt.part (Full Size). OriginalName.x1y2z3.txt.part have full size and after renaming it to OriginalName.txt I can read this file without any problem. So file was downloaded correctly but Tor Browser gave Failed message and created in file system one additional file with (1) suffix, leaving failed file here and also full readable and completed .part file. Can you please help me with that. I am using Whonix and Tor Browser with settings as IDK 2 months ago and in that time it was without any problem. TY. Harry
Can you download other files from other servers?
What Whonix version? Whonix recently downladed, started fresh?
In case you’re using that Whonix version:
Unlikely that Whonix is causing this issue.
Firefox is millions of lines of code. Tor Browser adds extra complexity on top of that. Whonix develops neither.
Hence this must most likely be resolved as per:
In case you can download files from other servers:
Could be a server issue and neither Tor Browser or Whonix being fault for download issues.
Hello Patrick, yes, as you saying, version, recently downloaded, started fresh. It same for all downloads I did. I think it is related to Whonix as it was not problem before or Tor Browser, or combination. We will see if more users will complain. Maybe somebody come up with solution, because I really don’t know.
Any custom modifications, hardening? Newer Tor version?
Reproducible with plain TBB on the host?