Tor 0.3+ does not work on QubesOS (but Tor works)


ID: 728
PHID: PHID-TASK-yu5oh25asrqnlrod6z5a
Author: ons2ibypk5
Status at Migration Time: invalid
Priority at Migration Time: Needs Triage


Had been using Whonix GW Testing on Qubes OS 4.0 RC2 without any issue.
Following Whonix GW Testing update, sys-whonix would no longer connect or bootstrap.
Tested on another PC with same result.

Reinstalled Qubes OS and the default sys-whonix proxy based on the whonix-gw Stable template worked fine.
I upgraded this template, rebooted it and the sys-whonix proxy, and they continue to work fine. Tor version is Tor (unrecommended).

Cloned whonix-gw Stable template and set it to Stable Proposed Updates repo and upgraded, rebooted, etc.
Cloned whonix-gw Stable template and set it to Testing repo and upgraded, rebooted, etc.

Created a sys-whonix proxy based on Stable Proposed Updates template.
Created a Testers sys-whonix proxy based on Stable Proposed Updates template.

The sys-whonix proxies based on the Stable Proposed Updates template and the Testers templates will not bootstrap or connect to tor network.

The two sys-whonix proxies that will not bootstrap or connect are both using the newer Tor 0.3+.

Any ideas?



2017-11-12 14:45:26 UTC