Testing Qubes Video Companion on Whonix


We have automated tests for Qubes Video Companion, but they fail quite often on Whonix. My question is how useful/desirable is using QVC on Whonix? Or in other words - is it worthwhile to make this functionality tested regularly (fix tests and/or issues detected by them) or can I simply disable those tests on Whonix?

Specific issues:

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I suggest disabling the tests for the Whonix template. Once an official/community Kicksecure template is available for Qubes OS, redirect tests against that instead.

This is a bug in security-misc then which would also affect Kicksecure that needs to be fixed.

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The vivid kernel module is no longer disabled by default in security-misc.

This change has been uploaded to the developers repository. (There are some unrelated bugs, so no yet pushed to testers repository.)

It’s a development goal to have as few bugs as possible.

However, in case of Whonix this functionality might be low priority as no users ever reported being affected by this issue.