Hello, is there a way to bypass or to not use Whonix Gateway ? I just want to run some modifications and get armory verified quicker. Basically i want to connect the workstation to the clearnet until i finish working and adding the stuff i need, I’m navigating through a VPN so being outside of Tor network shouldn’t hurt much.
This is certainly possible, as per general
but undocumented.
You’re much better off never circumventing Whonix-Gateway.
We don’t know what we don’t know.
(I mean unknown unkowns (There are known knowns – Wikipedia).)
For the hypothetical (!) case that apt-get would transmit a unique ID for that system, then you’re much better off never transmitting that ID over clearnet.
If you really want to do this, as per Whonix ™ - Anonymous Operating System I think it would suffice to 1) shut down Whonix-Gateway, 2) temporarily add a NAT network adapter to Whonix-Workstation and finally, 3) add to /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
Then restart networking.
sudo service networking restart
If you’re lucky, that’s all that’s required (untested!).
Thanks for the quick reply, i will think about it then. Basically shutting down the gateway and using the workstation with only the VPN connection is a Unknown unknown