Hello. The Telegram bot Rose has a feature called notes. Whenever /notes is typed a list of user defined notes appear. A user can the call any notes with a hash tag. For example #wiki. That can appear the Whonix wiki link.
Example from ParrotOS offtopic group:
List of notes in ParrotOS offtopic:
- blog
- books
- community
- docs
- documentation
- donate
- download
- goals
- hackaio
- howtohack
- irc
- learn
- motivate
- motivation
- nest
- official
- partners
- resources
- social_channels
- team
- telegram_communities
- tg_channel
- website
- youtube
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename, or #notename
Click the following to see our official YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj2dezzTc_Oy9eAEwBBodpw
This could save a lot of time since a user would not have to go back and forth to copy paste links. What do you think?