'sudo apt-get install whonix' Part I / Distro-Morphing

Bad News

To elaborate on that one…
distro-morphing is still in use to a degree.

  • During the build process of Non-Qubes-Whonix and Qubes-Whonix a Debian base image (created in earlier build step) will be morphed into Whonix.
  • During the build process of Kicksecure a Debian base image (created in earlier build step) will be morphed into Kicksecure.

What’s hard indeed is supporting arbitrary user installations of Debian which could contain a lot state (configuration, gnome vs kde vs whatever desktop environment) to be morphed to Whonix or Kicksecure.

Good News

This is also related to distro-morphing:

To learn early when distro-morphing would break due to package installation issues:

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