Starting wiki documentation for new Qubes + Whonix platform


ID: 197
PHID: PHID-TASK-7zdr2kfq7qflgvsom5wn
Author: WhonixQubes
Status at Migration Time: resolved
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


So based on where I’m at with my Whonix free time now…

I’d like to soon get started on developing and updating the wiki documentation for the new Qubes + Whonix platform.

Wiki Documentation:

Unless there are any objections, I’d like to most likely start this week.

Several people are already using the new native ProxyVM + AppVM platform.

The old Dual-HVM platform is semi-dysfunctional and highly inconvenient for supporting people doing proper VM privacy/anonymity isolation of their computing tasks, likely enabling unwarranted behavioral risks.

As requested by @Patrick my original Dual-HVM documentation will be deprecated and copied here:

Regarding leak testing…

I’ve done some leak testing of the new platform (Whonix 9.4 based) for myself to my own personal satisfaction to have confidence in it.

I also started publishing a few of the more simplistic public leak tests in the forums.

@nrgaway is gearing up to soon release newly refactored Whonix 9.6 based templates, which ITL will build and publish, which will obsolete any leak tests of Whonix 9.4 based templates of the past anyway.

So I’d like to re-order the administration tasks a bit and first get the wiki documentation switched over to the new platform.

Then focus on public leak testing later. And offer clear status of leak testing progress as time goes on.

So, unless there are strong objections, I’m going to start on this soon and get something published so users can be better informed, supported, etc, with the new platform.



2015-02-23 20:00:32 UTC


2015-02-23 20:11:04 UTC