Spoof WebRTC

When the plugins, like WebRTC, Flash, Java or other, getting my internal IP address and before sending it to the webserver, can I change it first and then get it sent by the plugins as normal?

Maybe. With something like LibHideIP. But that could be difficult. I am not aware of any documentation on that topic.

But it’s not really worth it anyhow. Because for example Flash can leak other things. Such as system time and desktop resolution. And who knows what else. Not mentioning the other examples, must not be understood as if I knew they don’t leak this. I don’t know.

It seems pretty easy, just pause the open source plugins who is trying to send your internal IP, change the IP then start the plugins again…Advanced people can do it easily I think.

[quote=“Patrick, post:2, topic:1261”]Maybe. With something like LibHideIP. But that could be difficult. I am not aware of any documentation on that topic.

But it’s not really worth it anyhow. Because for example Flash can leak other things. Such as system time and desktop resolution. And who knows what else. Not mentioning the other examples, must not be understood as if I knew they don’t leak this. I don’t know.[/quote]

There is something named Man in The Middle Attack, which popular in any security forum, why so many hackers can do that but you can’t, is it really hard?

Unrelated. You want to manipulate code running on your local machine.

A mitm initially has no local code executional. Modifies traffic originating from your machine. Maybe just for spying, maybe for attempting to gain local code execution.

[quote=“Patrick, post:5, topic:1261”]A mitm initially has no local code executional. Modifies traffic originating from your machine. Maybe just for spying, maybe for attempting to gain local code execution.[/quote]One more stupid question I ask, The traffic Virtualbox sending through virtual LAN cable is the traffic that can be changed by the host machine?

Yes, host beats and VM. No way around that.