[SOLVED] change keyboard language/24 hour clock

I currently have a laptop with a different language on the keyboard than american english, is there some way to change the settings so I don’t have to guess all the time.

Also is it possible to change the clock settings so I can see the 24 hour clock in the bottom right hand corner instead of the am/pm clock


I currently have a laptop with a different language on the keyboard than american english, is there some way to change the settings so I don't have to guess all the time.
You want to [code]sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard[/code] make your changes. ctrl+o > enter > ctrl+x > reboot
Also is it possible to change the clock settings so I can see the 24 hour clock in the bottom right hand corner instead of the am/pm clock
Somewhere in KDE system settings (sorry, using jwm here).

Keyboard layout docs can be found here: