Hey guys. I’ve used Whonix off and on for 2 years now and somehow never needed to transfer files from host to workstation until now. I followed the instructions on how to do it and I first encountered a error about not finding virtiofsd. I solved this simply by installing it via package manager. This time everything booted properly and I expected the shared folder to be properly synced but it’s not. It is there though, in the /mnt directory, it’s just empty while the shared folder on my host at ~/shared has files in it. I’m not sure how to proceed to get the folder synced up. I’m tempted to just setup a usb pass-through, even though Whonix devs advised against it. But at this point I’m running out of ideas on how to get the folder to be picked up. I also ran a chmod 777 on the host folder like the instructions said, just in case anyone thinks I overlooked that step. I’m just not sure what I did wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
Unspecific to Whonix.
The most realistic way to figure this out is as per:
I.e. attempt to reproduce this using Debian stable (currently: bookworm). In case of issues, contact upstream (libvirt, KVM) directly.
Please let us know if you figure out how to fix this.