research if there are further local clock leaks on Whonix-Gateway


ID: 458
PHID: PHID-TASK-2sc5iouy6pqk53opdjch
Author: Patrick
Status at Migration Time: open
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


Quite a few local clock leaks in upstream projects have been identified and reported.

I think, there might be others. This is because I was involved in reporting some of these local clock leaks. They were only fixed, because by chance I happened to read historic Tor trac development discussions, and then using logic to draw the right conclusions, then reported bugs. I didn’t read the related source codes nor checked with a traffic analyzer that there are no other local clock leaks. And I find it very likely, that no one else ever did that either, because these issues remained unnoticed for years.

[1] I remember having read a thread about apt-get. It was mentioned, that it leaks the language to remote servers. Perhaps also installed packages. Among other stuff. Possibly also local clock? Would be good to have a list of these leaks.


  • 1) ask TPO to think through if there are any further local clock leaks → check Tor for local clock leaks
    1. research leaks by apt-get [1]
    1. figure out, and check using a tshark or wireshark regex that searches for timestamps



2015-12-21 21:53:57 UTC


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2015-12-22 00:29:30 UTC